Rapier Marshal Information Requested
Greetings, East Kingdom Rapier Marshals.
We are in the process of compiling information for the fencing community and ask that every active marshal please email the following information to your regional marshal:
-Name (SCA and Mundane)
-Membership number and expiration date
-Who warranted you and when.
Local Marshals, please obtain this information from your area Marshals at Large.
Emails for each region are listed below:.
West Tir Mara Deputy Doña Borujin Acilaldai Email: rapier@tirmara.eastkingdom.org
East Tir Mara Deputy Lord Guthfrith Yrlingson Email: rapier@tirmara.eastkingdom.org
Northern Region Deputy Dona Camille des Jardins Email: kmof.north@eastkingdom.org
Central Region Deputy Don Lotieri Malocchio Email: kmof.central@eastkingdom.org
Southern Region Deputy Baroness Engracia de Madrigal Email kmof.south@eastkingdom.org
In Service,
Master Frasier MacLeod
KRM, East