Unofficial Court Report: Ruantallan Baronial Investiture and Tir Mara Champions
The Court of our most excellent prince and lord, Edward, by right of arms most illustrious King of the East, third of that name, and Thyra, his Queen by agency of that same right, second of that name, held upon 28 November in the forty-ninth year of the Society in the Barony of Ruantallan; on which day were called all and sundry the lords of the realm and the great persons of the kingdom to hear the following publicly proclaimed:
Item. In the first sitting of Their Majesties’ Court, Their Majesties gave thanks to Donal O’Neill and Allessandra Francesca di Milano for their good, faithful and notable service holding the lands as Baron and Baroness of Ruantallan and, as tokens of their merit and great nobility, elevated the said Donal and the said Allessandra to the ranks of Baron and Baroness of the Court, and granted them Arms, the which deeds were confirmed in documents created by Nest verch Tangwistel, Alisay de Falaise and Margaret Twygge of Sky Hill.
Item. Their Majesties summoned before the Tyger Thrones the East Kingdom Seneschal, Dueña Mercedes Vera de Califia, who announced that the Incipient Shire of Avonmore had fulfilled all of the requirements for becoming a full and official Shire.

Item. Their Majesties called before them Briana Douglase and instructed her to go forth to the place prepared for her to sit vigil and prepare to answer the question whether she would join the Order of the Pelican.
Whereupon, Their Majesties adjourned their Court until the hour of tierce, at which time such further business was done and caused to be done:
Item: Their Majesties invested Guthfrith Yrlingsson as Baron of Ruantallan and Isobel Mowbray as Baroness of Ruantallen, and accepted the fealty of the same for the lands held of the Crown, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Mergriet van Wijenhorst.
Whereupon, with Their Majesties’ leave, Their Excellencies Baron Guthfrith and Baroness Isobel conducted such business as was necessary and fitting.
Whereupon, with the leave of Their Majesties, the Prince and Princess of Tir Mara, Darius and Etheldreda, did and caused the following to be done:
Item. The Prince and Princess of Tir Mara thanked their Rattan Champions, Robert Gower and Cornelia van der Brugge, for their worthy and excellent service, and dismissed them according to custom.
Item. The Prince of Tir Mara invested Spurius Genucius Rutilus as his Rattan Champion, the which deed was confirmed in a document calligraphed by Juliote de Castlenou d’Arry and illuminated by Conn Rosendubh.

Item. The Princess of Tir Mara invested Pellandres dit le frère as her Rattan Champion, the which deed was confirmed in a document calligraphed by Juliote de Castlenou d’Arry and illuminated by Conn Rosendubh.
Item. The Prince and Princess of Tir Mara thanked their Arts and Sciences Champions, Mergriet van Wijenhorst and Katherine Murray, for their worthy and honorable service and, according to custom, dismissed them.
Item. The Princess of Tir Mara invested Inga Thorgansdottir as her Arts and Sciences Champion, the which deed was confirmed in document created by Mergriet van Wijenhorst.
Item. The Prince of Tir Mara invested Katherine Murray for a second time as his Arts and Sciences Champion, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Mergriet van Wijenhorst.
Whereupon, Their Majesties reconvened the Court previously adjourned and did and caused to be done the following:
Item. Their Majesties summoned the good lad Jack of Ynys Y Gwaed before the Court and inducted him into the Order of the Tyger’s Cub, the which deed was confirmed in document authored by Alys Mackyntoich, calligraphed by Eva Woderose and illuminated by Gianna di Aurelio.
Item. Their Majesties caused gifts of toys to be distributed to the children of the realm.

Item. Their Majesties summoned Onora Glencairn before the Court and homolgated the deed of Their ancestors of blessed memory, Brennan and Caoilfhionn, by awarding the said Onora Arms, the which deed was confirmed with a gift of embroidery created by Gwenlliana Vachan.
Item. Their Majesties brought before the Court the fair Artemizia di Niccolo della Fabro, to whom they then awarded Arms, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Shadiyah al-Zahra’.
Item. Their Majesties brought Lloyd Smith before the Tyger Thrones and awarded him Arms.
Item. Their Majesties summoned before them the worthy Rozalin Vella and awarded her Arms, the which deed was confirmed in a document authored by Alys Mackyntoich, calligraphed by Eva Woderose and illuminated by Aesa feilinn Josursdottir.
Item. Her Majesty called the noble Sarra Graeham of Birnham from her labors in the kitchens and, thanking her for her many good works, bestowed upon her the Queen’s Honor of Distinction.
Item. Their Majesties called Sage O’Rose before the Court and awarded Arms to that worthy
Item. Their Majesties called before them one Jonathan Rankin O’Rose, known to be a captain of ships, and endowed the said Jonathan with a license to seek out new and undiscovered lands and to claim and rule the said lands in the name of the East, with certain rights and responsibilities attendant thereupon, the which license was confirmed in a document authored by Alys Mackyntoich and calligraphed by Eleanor Catlyng.
Item. Their Majesties caused Isobel Bickerstaff to be brought before them, whereupon, praising her story-telling, they inducted her into the Order of the Troubadour, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Fiona O’Maille.
Item. Their Majesties called into the Court the good man Percival Gower and, praising his talents in shoe-making, invested the said Percival with the Order of the Maunche, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Sarra Graeham of Birnham.
Item. Their Majesties summoned into the Court the good lady Danuta Czarowna, and, praising her work in illumination and the scribal arts, inducted the said Danuta into the Order of the Maunche, the which deed was confirmed with the gift of a book created by Robin dit Dessaint, with text by Gwenhwyfar Dinas Emrys.

Item. Her Majesty called into the Court the noble and gentle Hedda Bonesetter and endowed the said Hedda with the Queen’s Order of Courtesy, the which deed was confirmed in a document authored by Ygraine of Kellswood and calligraphed and illuminated by Eva Woderose.
Item. Their Majesties called the fine and worthy Castellanna Nazario d’Azzana before the Tyger Thrones and awarded her Arms, the which deed was confirmed in a document authored by Marion of Ruantallan, calligraphed by Elena O Sirideain and illuminated by Isa of Ruantallan.
Item. Their Majesties invited into their presence the noble Theresa de Chats, whereupon they awarded Arms unto the said Theresa, the which deed was memorialized in a gift of a carved wooden plate created by Hawise ferch Meredith, with words by Eleanor Catlyng.
Item. Their Majesties brought into the Court the worthy lady Kat of Ruantallan and awarded her Arms, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Nest ferch Tangwystl.
Item. Their Majesties summoned into their presence the good man Rowan Fergus and, so doing, inducted him into the Order of the Silver Rapier, the which deed was confirmed in a document calligraphed by Constance de Saint Denis and illuminated by Marietta Charray.
Item. Their Majesties summoned Guthfrith Yrlingsson again into their presence and inducted the said Guthfrith into the Order of the Silver Rapier with the acclaim of the court.
Item. Their Majesties spoke of the good and notable deeds of Margaret Twygge of Sky Hill and granted Arms unto the said Margaret as a sign of her worth, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Kayleigh Mac Whyte.
Item. The excellent demoiselle Emma, daughter of Wolfgang, aged four years, presented unto His Majesty Edward artwork she had created for him.
Item. Their Majesties summoned Briana Douglase into the Court to hear her answer to the question before her; the said Briana answering in the affirmative, Their Majesties heard testimony from notable Peers of the Realm concerning the merits of the said Briana; upon that testimony, Their Majesties did then invest and endow the said Briana with the Order of the Pelican and Arms by letters Patent, the which deed was confirmed in a document authored by Zaneta Gavlinne Angioliere and calligraphed and illuminated by Danuta Czarowna.
I, Alys Mackyntoich, Eastern Crown Herald, wrote this to memorialize and make certain all such things that were done and caused to be done as above stated.
Lord Martyn de Haliwell
Lord Díarmaid Ó Bríain
Seigneur Eginhard d’Aix la Chapelle