Two-Part Schola Coming Up in February and March
Lady Lilie Dubh recently shared with us that two NY groups will be trying a new event concept early next year: a two-part Schola.
The Canton of Lions End and the Barony of An Dubhaigheann were both contemplating having scholas over this coming winter. As the groups are neighbors, representatives consulted with each other and decided to collaborate.
The Lions End event, Lions in Winter, is scheduled for February 21, 2015, will be part one. Part two will be the Spring Schola in An Dubhaigheann on March 21, 2015. Some classes will start in Lions End and finish in An Dubhaigheann, and projects needing help or completion can be worked on at both events and in between.
However if you can’t attend both events, don’t be deterred from attending whichever you can. There will be single session classes which begin at the An Dubhaigheann event as well as continuations of those started at Lions End.
The autocrats of both events are eager to hear from anyone who would like to teach classes which take advantage of this longer format; their contact information can be found in the event announcements:
In addition to classes, Lions End will be holding an Arts and Sciences Competition, and An Dubhaigheann will be selecting Bardic and A&S Champions, and offering a garb sale.
The Lions in Winter address for preregistration is incorrect. The correct address is:
Carol Eskesen Smith
19 Cedar Avenue
Farmingdale, NY 11735