Unofficial Court report for Bjorn’s Ceildh and Concordia Investiture

The Court of our most excellent prince and lord, Edward, by right of arms most illustrious King of the East, third of that name, and Thyra, his Queen, held in the Barony of Concordia of the snows upon 8 November in the forty-ninth year of the Society; on which day were called all and sundry the lords of the realm and the great persons of the kingdom to hear the following publicly proclaimed:
Item. Their Majesties summoned before the Tyger Throne Baron Pierre de Tours, and extended their thanks to the said Baron Pierre for his care of their lands of Concordia of the Snows during his tenue as Baron thereof; and as confirmation of their favor, they invested and endowed him with a Court Barony with a Grant of Arms, the which deed was confirmed by a document authored by Jean Paul Ducasse and calligraphed by Isabel Chamberlaine.
Whereupon, the said Pierre surrendered his authority and tenancy of the said Concordia of the Snows and departed the Court;
Item. Their Majesties called into the Court Jean Paul Ducasse and Lylie of Penhyll and invested and extolled the same as Baron and Baroness of Concordia of the Snows, the which deed was memorialized in a document authored by Alys Mackyntoich, calligraphed by Carolyne de Lapointe and illuminated by Ro Honig von Somerfeldt;
Whereupon, the said Baron Jean Paul and Baroness Lylie swore fealty to Their Majesties for the lands they hold of them;
Item. Their Majesties summoned into their presence Master Angus Pembridge and, in praise of his storytelling ability, conferred unto the said Angus the Order of the Troubadour, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Wulfgar Silverhair and Theodora Bryennissa.
Item. Their Majesties called Constantine of Aethelred before the Court and caused him to be inducted into the Order of the Tyger’s Cub, the which deed was confirmed in a document authored by Lucius Aurelius Varus, calligraphed by Saerlaith ingen Chennetig and illuminated by Caleb Reynolds.
Item. Their Majesties caused gifts of toys to be distributed to the children of the East.
Item. Their Majesties summoned Aífe ingen Chonchobair in Derthaige before the Court and thanked the said Aífe for organizing the gifts of poetry made to the Consorts at Crown Tourney.
Item. Their Majesties called into their presence Ceara of Anglespur and awarded her Arms, the which deed was confirmed in a document created by Jonathan Blaecstan.
Item. Their Majesties invited into their presence newcomers to the Society and gave them tokens of welcome in memory of the day.
Item. Their Majesties called before the Court Bianca of Ulster, whereupon they awarded Arms unto the said Bianca, the while deed was memorialized in a document authored by Bebhinn inghean Ui Siodhachain, calligraphed by Kayleigh Mac Whyte and illuminated by Margaret Twygge.
Item. Their Majesties summoned into their presence Pakshalika Kananbala, and, praising her many labors for the good weal of the Barony, inducted her into the Order of the Silver Crescent, the which deed was confirmed in a document, written in the language of Hindi, calligraphed by Ignacia la Ciega and illuminated by Dierdre O’Rourke,
Item. Their Majesties gave public thanks to the musicians who had performed for the Court and for the dancing.
I, Alys Mackyntoich, Eastern Crown Herald, wrote this to memorialize and make certain all such things that were done and caused to be done as above stated.
Master Grim the Skald
Don Donovan Shinnock