Call for Applicants – Central Region Deputy Rapier Marshal
Don Frasier MacLeod has requested we share the following announcement with our readers:
Unto the populace of the Kingdom of the East do I, Don Frasier MacLeod send greetings,
As many of you know, I stepped up into the Kingdom Rapier Marshal position at Crown Tournament. One of the priorities of my early tenure in this position is to find replacements for some of my Regional Marshals. To that end I would like to officially put out the call for resumes from anyone interested in taking on the position of Central Regional Deputy Rapier Marshal. As the previous Deputy, Don Donovan, is now my Kingdom Deputy, I need to fill the void left by his departure for this new position. Anyone interested in taking on this position please send me your SCA resume to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal e-mail listed in Pikestaff. I will be accepting resumes until Thursday, November 27th, at which time I will close the window and review the resumes I have received up to that point. I look forward to hearing from any of you who wish to take this position on.
In Service,
Don Frasier MacLeod, KRM, East