Unofficial Court Report – Last Court of Brennan and Caoilfhionn
The time did come that the signs and portents all pointed to the end. And so it was that Their Imperial Majesties, Emperor Brennan and Empress Caoilfhionn, did travel to the Barony of Bergental once again, and would hold the Last Court of the their Reign, at the Coronation of Edward and þóra on 27 September, AS XLIX.
Emma Lovell and Caleb Patrasso were called before Their Majesties. They were thus inducted into the Order of the Tyger’s Cub. Emma received a scroll with words and illumination by Agatha Wanderer, and calligraphy by Gwillim Kyneth; Caleb was presented a scroll by Edward MacGyver dos Scorpos.
Antonio Patrasso was called forth. He was named a King’s Cypher and a Queen’s Cypher, receiving a scroll for the former featuring calligraphy by Leonete D’Angely, illumination by Nataliia Anastasia Evegenova and words by Alys Mackyntoich, and a scroll for the latter by Magdalena von Kirschberg.
Charitye Dale was called forth, and presented with a Burdened Tyger. Her forthcoming scroll is by Charis Accipiter and Jon Dunbar.
Eliane Howys of Morningthorpe was inducted into the Order of the Maunche. She received a scroll by Nest verch Tangwistel.
Turi MacKinnon was invited to present himself before Their Majesties. He was named a Woodworker to the Crown, and also named a King’s Cypher. He received a woodcarving by Kenimathor of Lochleven and a scroll by Heather Rose de Gordoun.
Marguerite De Sainte Nazaire was presented with a Queen’s Cypher. She was given a scroll by Katrusha the Skomorokh with words by Alys Mackyntoich.
Bjorvig Huldarson was named a Brewer to the Crown, and would receive a scroll by Aesa Lokabrenna Sturladottir.
Aikaterine FitzWilliam, in absentia, was presented with a Queen’s Honor of Distinction, a King’s Esteem of Merit, AND named a Seamstress to the Crown.
Rainillt Leia de Bello Marisco was named a Seamstress to the Crown.
The Worshipful Company of Their Majesties’ Underwear, and members thereof were named as Seamstresses to the Crown. A scroll featuring calligraphy by Eleanor Catlyng and words by Lillian atte Valeye was presented.
Martyn de Halliwell was named a Tailor to the Crown, and also presented with a King’s Esteem of Merit.
Anastasia da Monte and Yehuda ben Moshe were each presented with a King’s Estemm of Merit.
I, Malcolm Bowman, was called before His Majesty Brennan. I was named a King’s Cypher, and received a scroll by Eleanore MacCarthaigh.
Fergus Redmede was called forth. He was inducted into the Order of the Silver Crescent, and received a scroll by Fiona O’Maille ó Chaun Coille with words by Toki Redbeard.
Griffith Davion, though absent, was presented with a Queen’s Order of Courtesy.
Eva Woderose was called before Empress Caoilfhionn. She was awarded a Queen’s Order of Courtesy.
Cormac MacEamon na Connemara, Duncan Kerr, Hugh Tauener and Ciaran McLeod were each presented with a King’s Esteem of Merit.
Mathias of Settmour Swamp was called forth. He was awarded a King’s Esteem of Merit, then named a Baron of the Court, receiving a scroll featuring calligraphy by Saerlaith ingen Chennetig, illumination by Elizabeth of Arundel and words by Lucius Aurelius Varus.
Owynn Greenwood was called before Her Majesty, and received a Queen’s Honor of Distinction.
Avelina Keyes was invited before the court. She was awarded a Queen’s Honor of Distinction, and also named a King’s Cypher. She received a scroll by Cristiana Crane.
Culann MacKinnon was invited forth. He was awarded a Queen’s Honor of Distinction, and also named a King’s Cypher. He received a scroll by Palotzi Marti (with assistance by Kolosvari Arpadne Julia).
Though absent, Edana inghean Aluinn mac Kinnon was called before Her Majesty, and named a Queen’s Cypher. She received a scroll by Bebhinn Inghean Ui Siodhachain.
Godric of Hamtun and the East Kingdom Pennsic Archery Champions Team were asked to present themselves. They were named the Blue Tyger Legion, and presented a scroll with illumination by Kay Leigh Mac Whyte, and calligraphy by Nest verch Tangwistel.
Eleanor Fitz Patrick was invited before His Majesty, and named a King’s Cypher. She was presented a scroll by Sunniva Ormstung.
Kenric aet Essex was called before Emperor Brennan, and named a King’s Cypher. He was presented a scroll by Wulfgar Silverbraid with words by Theodora Bryennissa, called Treannah.
Elizabeth Eleanore Lovell was commanded to presented herself before the Crown. She was named a King’s Cypher and a Queen’s Cypher, and received scrolls by Constance de St. Denis and Lada Monguligin.
In addition to these pieces of business, members of Athena’s Thimble presented a gift to Their Majesties, and a representative from the Kingdom or Drachenwald presented a gift to Their Majesties as well.
Her Majesty called the Captain of her Guard, Einarr Njortharson, called Billy Fish, forward. She named him a Queen’s Cypher, and he was presented a scroll by Eleanor Catlyng with words by Alys Mackyntoich.
Her Majesty’s guard were released from their service, and Their Imperial Majesties bade the Kingdom farewell. Thus did they pass their crowns to their Heirs, Edward and þóra. Long Live the King! Long Live the Queen! Long live the Kingdom of the East!
In service,
Malcolm Bowman
Eastern Crown Herald for Brennan and Caoilfhionn
PS – Thank you for Heraldic assistance to Ryan McWhyte, Elizabeth Elenore Lovell, Yehuda ben Moshe and Martyn de Halliwell.
Nitpick: one isn’t named a cypher, one is *given* a cypher. It’s an award, not an order.