Unofficial Court Report, Northern Region War Camp
Thus it was that Their Majesties, Emperor Brennan and Empress Caoilfhionn, did travel to the Shire of Glenn Linn and attended the Northern Region War Camp Meleepalooza on 5 July, 2014 (AS XLIX).
The following gentles were Awarded Arms:
Roynan Stonedune, stone by Kenric æt Essex
Arnbjorn Grettirson, drinking horn by Freygerdr in storrada Halladottir with words by Asgar Roulfson
Aurnia McWard, embroidery by Eleanor le Brun
Snorri Olafsson, word carving with illumination by Ruaidhri MacCrimthainn and calligraphy by Bebhinn inghean Ui Siodhachain (wood carving)
Erland Øx-kné, wood plank by Hawise ferch Meredith
Esperanza Zamora DeLaquava, scroll with calligraphy by Eleanor Catlyng, and illumination by Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova
Rosabella de Corvis, scroll by Elisabeth Greenleaf
Saffir Weaver, scroll with Calligraphy & Illumination by Ignacia la Ciega, words by Lady Muirgheall O’Riein
Sabd ingen Domnail, scroll with illumination by Deirdre O’Rourke, calligraphy by Elisabeth Greenleaf
Katherine of Anglespur, scroll with calligraphy & illumination by Saerlaith ingen Chennetig, words by Lucius Aurelius Varus
Kurama Kenshin, scroll by Mariette de Bretagne
The following gentles were inducted into the Order of the Silver Crescent:
Gideon ha-Khazar, scroll by Sunniva Ormstung
Asgar Rolfes sune, scroll by Jan Janowicz Bogdanski
Lorenz Greylever, scroll forthcoming
Óláfr inn orvi Haraldsson, scroll by Aleksei Dmitriev
Wentlyana Bengrek, scroll by Katrusha Skomorokha Negodieva doch’
Ailionora Inghean Ronain was called before Their Majesties, and inducted into the Order of the Maunch. Scroll with calligraphy by Kay Leigh Mac Whyte, illumination by Lillian atte Valeye
Ivar Volosatoi was called before Empress Caoilfhionn, and presented with a Queen’s Order of Courtesy, and received a scroll with calligraphy by Elisenda de Luna, illumination by Renye Wurm
The following children were inducted into the Order of the Tyger’s Cub:
Arthur Tuck, scroll by Aesa Lokabrenna Sturladottir
Magdalena Amarilla, scroll with calligraphy & illumination by Leonete d’Angely, illumination by Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova
Lorenz Greylever was called into court, and presented a VERY backlogged (AS XXIV) Tyger’s Cub, scroll by Alayne Alexandra Nyvern Nightwatcher
Borujin Acilaldai was called before Their Imperial Majesties, and inducted into the Order of the Golden Rapier. She received a scroll by Harold von Auerbach
Aethelhafoc Cadgfindan (called Aethelhawk Keyfinder) was called into court. He received a Writ to sit vigil for consideration to be inducted into the Order of the Pelican, receiving a scroll with calligraphy and illumination by Henna Sinclair, words by Pagan Graeme
Having been put on vigil at the beginning of the day, Cristoforo Donatello dei Visconti was presented before Their Majesties, and inducted into the Order of the Laurel. Scroll by Ursion de Gui
In addition:
Their Majesty’s Unbelted Champions were announced for the coming Pennsic War.
Their Majesty’s Rapier Champions were announced for the coming Pennsic War.
Children participating in Her Majesty’s Service Challenge were presented tokens.
Brendan Firebow led a short chase for the Royal Toy Box
The local Seneschal, Gage Ormesby, named off all those who had made the event happen this day.
In service,
Malcolm Bowman
Eastern Crown Herald
PS – Thank you for Heraldic assistance to Alethea Eastriding, Alys Mackyntoich, Elizabeth Elenor Lovell,
Donnovan Shinnock, Anastasia da Monte and Rose Erembourc