Archers on Safari at Pennsic 43

The Archery War Points at Pennsic this year will all have a Safari theme, and rumor has it that the Saint Sebastian Shoot will as well!
Before we provide a brief run-down of archery matters, there is an important equipment issue to report: PVC Bows will NOT be allowed for target archery at the War. This decision, agreed to by the East’s Captain General of Archers and the Archer General of the Midrealm, came too late to appear in the Pennsic booklet. This is the result of a recent catastophic failure of such a bow. Master Godric of Hamtun, the Marshal in Charge of Archery this Pennsic, feels these bows and their manufacture require more extensive study of their safety and reliability, so they are now banned until further notice.
Be an East Kingdom Patriot!!!

Everyone can and should shoot the Populace Archery War Points and be an East Kingdom hero! Unlike most other martial activities, no authorizations are needed to participate in target archery — with just a bit of instruction, anyone can score points and help determine the outcome of the War. Most experienced archers have equipment they are willing to lend, so just ask one you know. Equipment can be used by multiple archers, it only needs to be inspected with each archer who will be using it.
An Overview of Archery at the War:
Please help with Archery Range setup on Monday 7/28. The more folks who help, the sooner we can start shooting.

Classes, novelty shoots, instruction, activities geared to young archers and special contests will take place throughout the War. Check the announcements posted at the Marshal Tent on the range.
All Archery Marshals should attend one of the Marshal meetings (Thursday 7/31 at 5pm or Sunday 8/3 at 4pm) and EK Archery Marshals must sign-up and serve two shifts of two hours each.
Atlantia will again sponsor the day-long Saint Sebastian Shoot, on Saturday, 8/2, 10am to 5pm.
The Archery Champions Team Tournement (1 War Point) is scheduled for Wednesday 8/6 at 9:00 am. Practices/tryouts are scheduled for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 5pm to 7pm.
Please note that the archery range is CLOSED from 5pm Tuesday until after the ranges are re-set following the Champions Team competition Wednesday afternoon.

The Populace Archery War Points (3 points x 3 shoots = 9 War Points) will run Sunday 8/3 through Friday 8/7, excluding Wednesday. Archers can shoot each of the three shoots five times during the War. The familiar Clout, Castle Window and Soldier shoots return again this year, but the castle turret of the Clout will be square.
Range tear-down will begin when war point shooting ends on Friday afternoon, and help is always welcome.
The results of the Populace Archery War Points will be announced at Closing Ceremonies Friday afternoon.
For more info, see the Pennsic 43 Archery web page, and watch for updates posted on-site.
(Photos graciously provided by Baroness Rainillt.)