First Round Pools and Photos from Crown Tournament

Last Saturday the Crown Tournament to determine the Heirs of our esteemed Brennan Augustus and Caoilfhionn Augusta was held in the Barony of L’Ile du Dragon Dormant in the Crown Principality of Tir Mara.
The first round of the Tournament was fought using a round robin format. All combatants were divided into 4 different pools. The combatants in each pool are listed below. The Gazette’s thanks Lady Cat Lennox for the use of her photos from the event.

- Jarl Valgard Stonecleaver for Lady Gracia Vasquez de Trillo
- Sir Gareth Grey de Wilton for Mistress Gwenhwyfar Dinas Emrys
- Sir Antonio Patrasso for Mistress Elizabeth Eleanor Lovell
- Sir Luis de Castilla for Lady Berenika
- Baron Matthias Grunwald for Lady Æsa feilinn Jossursdottir
- Lady Cornelia VandeBrugge for Lord Perceval Gower, Esq.
- Lord Fearghus O Conchobhairof Buckland Cross for Lady Markesa De Carvalhal
- Lord Eliahu Al-Talhi for Lady Sandrine de Berry

- Duke Edward Grey of Lochleven for Countess Þóra Eiríksdóttir
- Sir Thomas of Ravenhill for Áine an Neamheaglach
- Syr Culann mac Cianain for Baroness Edana inghean Aluinn mac Kinnon
- Lord William MacCrimmon for Lady Astrid Olfasdatter
- Lord Aiden of Coldwood for Lady Elke Vuponne
- Lord Robert Gower for Lady Rachel of Ironwolf
- Dominus Spurius Genucius Ruilus for Lady Isolda Fairamay
- Baron Matthew Moreaveous Avdenmork for Mistress Fia Kareman

- Tribune Darius Aurelius Serpentius, called Omega the Impact for Duchess Roxane Farabi
- Sir Rhys Ravenscroft for Viscondesa Jimena Montoya
- Master Ávaldr Valbjarnarson for Mistress Eva Woderose
- Master Angus Kerr for Baroness Katarzyna Gwozdz called Varju
- Lord Kenimathor of Lochleven for Baroness Aneleda Falconbridge
- Lord Richard Crowe for Gabriella Crowe
- Lord Wilham de Broc for Lady Isabel Chamberlaine
- Lord Ryouko’jin of Iron Skies for Lady Indrakshi Aravinda
- Ivarr Rambison for Rose DuBois

- Duke Konrad Der Lowe Von Ulm for Lady Aibhilin Fhionn
- Sir Angus McHaley for Mistress Tadea Isabetta di Bruno
- Sir Wilhelm von Ostenbrücke for Mistress Viennet de la Mer
- Syr Marcus Blackaert for Baroness Astrid Sigrun Ulfkillsdottir
- Baron Ivan Ivanov Syn Dimitriov vynuk Tzardikov for Baroness Matilde DeCadenet
- Lord William Ravenhair for Lady Kris the spinner
- Lord Ketilfastr Thorkilson for Lady Cezilia Raposa
- Lord Eoghan Bastard mac Lachlainn of Lochleven for Lady Chiara di Marte de Venezia
- Lord Phelippe du Peiregore for Maeve