Tanaka Reiko Named 17th Tyger of the East

Sir Tanaka Reiko, Master of the Pelican, has been named as the 17th Tyger of the East, joining a long line of distinguished citizens of the East Kingdom. The SCA.org award explanation website defines the award as the following:
The Tyger of the East: given to those who most embody and personify the ideals of the East Kingdom. No more than one person may be so recognized during a reign; a person may receive this honor only once. Established April 26, A.S. 37 by Darius II and Roxane II.
Liam St Liam, twelfth Tyger of the East has been known to say, “This is a list of the people in the kingdom that you should seek out and learn from. These people are the heart and spirit of the East.” The previous recipients of the Tyger of the East are as follows:
1. Harold von Auerbach
2. Ernst Nuss von Kitzingen
3. Marieke van de Dal
4. Katherine Barr
5. Brid nic Shearlais
6. Randal of the Dark
7. Edward Zifran of Gendy
8. Caitlin Davies
9. Lucan von Drachenklaue
10. Katherine Stanhope
11. Alys Mackyntoich
12. William O Donovan of Monmouth, called Liam St Liam
13. Feral von Halstern
14. Vissevald Selkirkson
15. Krakken Gnashbone
16. Alexandre Lerot D’Anvigne
East Kingdom Awards on SCA.org
The EK Order of Precedence
Isn’t that the 2nd Tyger this reign, though?
Alexandre was made in the last reign, by Edward and Thyra.
Ah, right. Thanks. It’s actually the EK Gazette header that always throws me, as I keep thinking it’s Alexandre getting his Tyger at NRWC, even though I was AT Mudthaw and saw him get it.
I should probably drink less.
Drink less???? Heretic!