Q&A with the Pennsic Watch’s Deputy Mayor
This is a series of Q&A articles the Gazette is conducting with members of the Pennsic staff.
Lord Tommaso Valeriano is the Deputy Mayor in charge of the Pennsic Watch.
What Pennsic activities does your office cover?
The Pennsic Watch is its own Deputy Mayor office. Within it is The Watch, Parking Enforcement, and Lost and Found.
Do you need volunteers? What kind of skills would be useful for them to have?
We are always in need a volunteers. With Troll’s new limited hours we are the only 24 hour volunteer service at the war. We are always in need of help both in carts and at the Watch Point. Shifts that are in special need? During battles, large ceremonies (opening/closing), the zombie hours (3am-6am).
Is there a particular activity or change to an activity that you’re excited is happening?
The interaction of the Pennsic populace and staff via social media has been very exciting. Our opportunity to squash rumors, distribute news, and get discussions going has really been amazing.
What one thing do you wish people knew about your activity?
I and all my staff have been doing this for many years, so we have a very strong, very experienced group of deputies. But they are still just people who are coming to war for a vacation, and volunteering to give up part of that vacation to help keep the war safe. I wish more people would keep that in mind before flying off the handle at them.
Parking – Duke Rurik has done parking for the Watch for several years now, and I honestly can’t say why. It is about as thankless a job as you can find. Driving around telling people to park or you’ll tow them or throw them off site, getting cursed at and dealing with rude people, and that’s just on a normal day. I think if people realized just how important keeping the roads clear was, despite how trivial it seems, the job might a whole lot easier. Then again, if people actually followed the rules, would I have a job?
What about your area of responsibility interests you?
People. I love being able to interact with the populace, help out where I can, provide solutions and advice and, in my own way, make the war a better place.
What advice would you give someone who wants to hold your position in the future?
Surround yourself with intelligent, experienced, capable people. And listen to them.
On a personal note, what part of Pennsic do you most look forward to?
Those first few days, when everyone is just finding each others, the energy of reunion, the picking up of relationships right where the left off…