Laurels and Pelicans Defeat the Weather
Many activities were rained out at SCA events in the Northeast last weekend, but not the Laurels versus Pelicans boffer fundraiser. Holding a melee out of doors as originally planned was impossible in the mud and rain, but Mistress Anastasia, former Kingdom Mistress of Lists, suggested a format change. The tables were pushed back in the large dining hall, and one-on-one bouts were held in the round for the entertainment of the damp event attendees.
Baron Fergus MacRae, sponsor of the event, stood on a bench at the edge of the arena and acted as master of ceremonies with a style worthy of a professional wrestling announcer. The crowd cheered, laughed and occasionally good naturedly booed the peers as they took to the floor and faced each other. The almost hour long entertainment was presided over by Their Majesties, Gregor and Kiena, who watched with bemused and amused expressions on their faces.
Leiftameon, Master in the Fraternal Order of Three Mace’ns, used his juggling clubs, but was defeated by Ulric von der Inself, Master Disaster, with his giant spoon.
Eleanor Catlyng, the Gatekeeper, and her quill pen triumphed in a prolonged tickle fight with Dorio of the Oaks, the Peaceful Negotiator, who wielded his Feather of Doom.
Mirabel Belchere, Mistress Microvision, was injured so handed over her weapon of sheep to Harold von Auerbach.
Harold defended her honor valiantly but was defeated in the end by Peter the Red’s Lethal Arrow of Destruction.
The oar of Ekkehardt of Aokenwode, Master Bad Example, was well matched by the shovel of Dziuginte Litovka, Mistress Stickbait, but in the end the oar proved mightier.
Edward MacGyver Dos Scorpos attacked with the amazing and popular Cuddles, the Giant Scorpion of Doom, eventually defeating Brita Mairi Svensdottir, Loving Battleax of Warm Wisdom, who attempted to hold him off with her Viking battleax and feet after losing both of her arms.
Mistress Eva Woderose and Katherine Barr of Cumberland faced off with the only remotely normal weapons, two sword, in a prolonged bout that ended with Eva mortally wounded.
Marieke, The Mighty Leaf of the North, used a stunningly fast butt shot with her Modest Twig of Compassionate Correction to take out Anastasia, Mistress of Organized Mayhem, and her clipboard shield with sword.
Catrin o’r Rhyd For, Director of Carnage, used her Shake-spear to deliver the final shot to Margarita Kofinopoia, Scourge of Somethingorother, who started the bout by literally sweeping the floor with her broom.
Her Majesty Kiena Stewart had to withdraw due to injury but was championed by Katherine Stanhope, who took Her Majesty’s steed and lance into the arena. In a two on one, she was best by Mira Fiinvar of Argyle’s Distaff of Doom and Cedric of Thanet’s Drop Spindle of Fate.
The Laurels outscored the Pelicans in the final tally, the but real winners were the spectators and the Kingdom. According to Lucie Lovegood, the event raised over $2300 for the Pennsic War Chest, which will be used to pay for Pennsic related events such as the Queens Tea and the Known World Party. Their Majesties addressed the participants afterwards, thanking them for sacrificing their dignity for the Kingdom and inviting everyone to come to the Known World Party which will be held after opening ceremonies.
Photos of the peers with their specialty weapons are available at the Gazette article, Laurels, Pelicans and Their Specialty Weapons. For more information about the fundraiser, see
Photos by Lord Hugh Tauerner, Mistress Brita Mairi Svensdottir and Sir Michael of York
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