EKU Seeks New University Chancellor
Greetings from Lady Elysabeth Underhill, East Kingdom University Chancellor
I would like it to be known that I will be stepping down in July as Chancellor of the East Kingdom University. I am now calling for applications from people interested in applying for this position.
Please email your application to me (eku@eastkingdom.org) and cc both their Majesties (trm@eastkingdom.org) and the Minister of Arts and Sciences (moas@eastkingdom.org). The deadline to submit applications is the end of June 2013. (The Chancellor of the East Kingdom University is a lesser officer under the Minister of Arts and Sciences.) Per EK law, the EKU Chancellor:
a. Coordinates and supervises the East Kingdom University
b. Disseminates to the populace information concerning the East Kingdom University
c. Maintains a repository of course and teacher information.
If you have any questions about the position, please do not hesitate to contact me and ask!
Lady Elysabeth Underhill
EKU Chancellor