Their Majesties’ Letter Concerning Recent Actions of the Board of Directors
Unto our Populace,
While we prepare for the joys of spring, we must write to you now on a less welcomed subject. Over the last 6 months, we have been alerted to sanctions imposed by the SCA’s Board of Directors against members in the Kingdom of Atenveldt which greatly troubled our royal cousins. As we looked into the matter, we found that the methods and remedies enacted by the BoD appeared to be inconsistent with the rules of the SCA and the leadership that our organization requires.
We have had brief opportunities to talk with some of the BoD members and believe that they are decent, honorable people working for the benefit of the Society. However, their responses were inadequate for us to maintain our trust in their actions. While the BoD is constrained as to what they can legally disclose, the absence of substantive dialogue is insufficient leadership for a volunteer organization.
The BoD’s mishandling of the sanction process is significant enough to have damaged the public trust. As your crowns, we cannot in good conscience defend the actions of the BoD in this matter. As a volunteer driven organization, it is important that the leadership of the SCA be perceived as fair, responsive and transparent on every level.
It is for these reasons that we have joined our names to a petition to impeach four Directors. Our letter to the Board explaining our position can be read here, along with links to some documentation and to the petitions. [Editor’s note: The link originally posted here was to a webpage on the East Kingdom server which no longer exists. This link is to a new webpage.]
We would ask you to individually consider this matter and the future direction of the organization, and then act to keep our Society strong whether by signing this petition, serving at the local, Kingdom, or Society level, or by your everyday interactions.
Thank you all,
Edward & Thyra
Rex & Regina Orientalis
If you have questions about this statement or would like to correspond with Their Majesties, please email them directly. Their email addresses can be found at
For background on this issue and more details please see or find us on Facebook at FedUPwiththeBOD
Fed Up!
unable to access the letter through link in article, get a page not found
The link has been updated. Please see the editorial note.
I applaud this. Well said.
The link is not working at the moment. We will publish the link when we get it.
Thank you.
Katherine Barr, Daily Editor
Well stated! It is so encouraging to witness real leadership in this organization. There are times when we must declare our support for what is right, or condemn publicly that which is wrong.
I have never been prouder to be a citizen of the East Kingdom. Your Majesties… I bow to you both. Well done. And rightly done. Kol HaKavod..all honour.
I applaud your Majesties courage to publicly stand for your beliefs on this matter. You do yourself and your kingdom much honor.
Thank you your Majesties, very well said. I am a loyal subject of the Outlands and I vow this day to never raise my sword against you or anyone in your Kingdom as long as you are their King and Queen.
Lord Fritz von Beebe
a humble troll from the Outlands