Gift Scrolls for Estrella (with photographs)

Every year the Tyger Clerk of the Signet arranges for scrolls that the Crown of the East can use as beautiful largesse to give to the Cousin Kingdoms in attendance at Estrella War. It’s something different from our usual run of scrolls, and tends to feature a different mix of scribes and authors each year, inclusive of scroll texts that are generic but in the spirit of friendship this War is known for. When a particular Cousin Kingdom does not attend, the scroll is returned to the Signet Office for gifting when that Kingdom next attends, or until the Tyger Clerk opts to re-start the project anew for a number of reasons, including allowing some of the newer scribes an opportunity to take the spotlight and showcase their talents.

As head of the East Kingdom College of Scribes, it’s a delight to see so many talented artisans participate in the creation of Kingdom award scrolls that are coordinated through this Office. This year’s Estrella War Gift Scroll project was no exception, and I’d like to thank Aneleda Falconbridge for this year’s poem, and each scribe who participated: Constance de St. Denis, Margaret Twygge, Agatha Wanderer and Gwillim Kyneth, Saerlaith ingen Chennetig, Aleksei Dmitriev, Éadaoin Chruitire, Vettorio Antonello, Emma MacMinn and Henna Sinclair, Isabel Chamberlain, Melisande of the Griffon Wood and Jonathan Blaecstan, Jana von Drachenklaue, Lada Monguligin, Altani Khatagidai, Lisabetta Megdalia and Eleanor Catlyng, Camille des Jardins and Anna Michel Von Salm, Michel Almond de Champagne, Edward MacGyver dos Scorpos, and Catarina Giaocchini.

If you would like to find out more about this project, or if you are interested in creating a Kingdom award scroll and are not already part of the East Kingdom College of Scribes, please feel free to contact me at My staff and I will be happy to assist you however we can.
Yours in Service,
Mistress Kayleigh McWhyte, OL
East Kingdom Tyger Clerk of the Signet

The Gazette would like to thank Mistress Kayleigh McWhyte for her assistance in making this article possible.
Photos by
Cateline la broderesse (except where noted)
Additional scrolls not published:
Drachenwald C&I: Margaret Twygge
Atlantia C&I: Aleksei Dmitriev
Calontir C&I: Altani Khatagida
Meridies C&I: Edward MacGyver dos Scorpos
Northshield C&I: Catarina Giaocchini (called Kasia)

Wonderful stuff! What a great project.
Transliteration, not translation. It is the English words written in Phags Pa script. -Puppy
Thank you. The caption has been changed.
The East Kingdom has some fabulous scribes also, one of them specializes in stain glass scrolls. Her name is Lady Solskinn of Smoking Rocks. One of her scrolls could be a great addition to this page.
thank you