Heirs Apparent Announced in Bhakail

The East Kingdom Gazette just received the following missive from Bhakail:
My noble friends,
Their Royal Majesties of the Laurel Kingdom of the East, Edward and Thyra, publicly decree that they have heard the advice of the populace and have chosen the successors to Baron Darmon and Baroness Sabine.
For the future Baron and Baroness of Bhakail, Tiarna Mael Eoin mac Echuid & Lady Ysmay de Lynn, vivant!
The investiture of Ysmay and Mael Eoin will be held June 29th in the City of Philadelphia.
See http://www.eastkingdom.org/EventDetails.html?eid=2417 for details.
Yours in service to the dream of a chivalrous society,
~Tristan le Chanticler~
Seneschal of Bhakail
Vivat!!! And good luck.