Items Requested for Birka Gift Baskets
The overall theme of these baskets is Viking, both in honor of Birka, and our fair Queen Thyra. Their Majesties may also be having Mongolian guests, if your skills lie more in the Easterly direction. Some ideas for gifts follow, but you should by no means limit yourself to the items suggested (please also bear in mind that portability is a must as many guests are traveling quite a distance):
Naabinders/Knitters: socks, caps, hand warmers—think small and cozy
Potters: cups, small bowls
Scribes: scroll blanks, homemade inks, raw materials, brushes, ink trays; personalized illuminations or heroic stories are also fun possibilities!
Woodworkers/bone workers: cups, drinking horns, pyrographies
Metal smiths/pewter casters/jewelers: coins, pendants, enamel work
Narrow workers: tablet weaving, card weaving, inkle, etc.
Seamstresses/Tailors/Embroiderers: bags, pouches, embroidery kits, stuffed toys
Cooks: sweet and savory treats in small packages; cheeses; hard sausages; pickles (please check with the Gift Coordinator first regarding known allergies/dislikes of their Majesties’ guests)
Musicians: sheet music, silver disks to play in a magic minstrel box (CDs)
And these are not the only possibilities! If you have another brilliant idea or burning creative urge, speak up!
Please direct all gift donations and any questions to Gift Coordinator – Lady Mechthild Welandstochter
mechthild.welandstochter @ gmail .com
I tried to respond to Lady Mechthild, but the email bounced.
The email address on their website is Gift Coordinator – Lady Mechthild Welandstochter
mechthild.welandstochter @ gmail .com. I might have typed it wrong initially. I apologize.