Laurel Meeting @ A&S Champs
There will be a meeting of the Order of the Laurel at the A&S Championships, February 16 in the Barony of Dragonship Haven. Posted on behalf of TRH Gregor & Kiena.
East Kingdom Gazette
Covering the Eastern Realm of the SCA
There will be a meeting of the Order of the Laurel at the A&S Championships, February 16 in the Barony of Dragonship Haven. Posted on behalf of TRH Gregor & Kiena.
It’s time to start thinking about Novice Schola 2013 in the Barony of Bergental (Springfield, MA). It is earlier this year (Feb 9th) so I won’t be able to give you as much leeway for dithering about whether or not to teach a class. Some classes are old favorites and we need those as our …
The Society Rapier Marshal is seeking a qualified person to serve as Deputy for Youth Rapier. A detailed list of qualifications is located here on “SCA Rapier News” The East Kingdom Marshal of Fence, Don Caine Ramsey is more than happy to discuss your interest in the position, answer any questions you may have, and …
The overall theme of these baskets is Viking, both in honor of Birka, and our fair Queen Thyra. Their Majesties may also be having Mongolian guests, if your skills lie more in the Easterly direction. Some ideas for gifts follow, but you should by no means limit yourself to the items suggested (please also bear …
The Court of our most excellent sovereigns, Edward and Thyra, by grace King and Queen of the East, begun and held at the Barony Beyond the Mountain, on 8 December A.S. 47, and in the first year of their reign. On which day were called all and sundry the lords of the realm and the …
If you will be attending the BBM/Bergental Yule event this weekend, here are several special activities that might be of interest and require some advance planning! (more…)
The following is a statement that was released by the SCA’s Board of Directors about the change to Corpora with regards to same sex consorts.
The Board of Directors of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. would collectively like to thank everyone who took the time to write to us regarding the proposed changes to Corpora that would provide Crowns the option to allow same-sex couples to compete in Crown/Coronet Lists. This topic is clearly one that people feel very strongly about, as the opportunity to fight or be fought for in the Lists is at the heart of our Society. (more…)
The East Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences, Brunissende Dragonette, has passed along the following from the Society Minister of Arts and Sciences. Any teachers who have recorded their classes and would be interested in having them on the site, please let her know at
Doing holiday shopping online? While you have your credit card and computer together, you can make reservations for upcoming events at the same time using the ACCEPS system run by the Kingdom of Ansteorra. You can register for the following East Kingdom Events and InterKingdom Wars: East Kingdom 12th Night in Iron Bog on January …