Fall Crown Tournament Entrants Announced
Good morning all! Please see the link below for the Crown Entrants! https://seneschal.eastkingdom.org/fall-crown-tournament-list/ In Service, Magistra Audrye Beneyt East Kingdom Seneschal
East Kingdom Gazette
Covering the Eastern Realm of the SCA
Good morning all! Please see the link below for the Crown Entrants! https://seneschal.eastkingdom.org/fall-crown-tournament-list/ In Service, Magistra Audrye Beneyt East Kingdom Seneschal
To our glorious populace of the East Kingdom, Ameria Brown Antonius Hasebroek Bella di Sicilia Charlotte Larcheyr de Charly, formerly known as Charlotte of Lewes Erzsébet Csesztvei Howard of Strangewayes Iris of Strangewayes Matthias von Wurzburg Nicasia Leontodes Olaf Haraldson Vlad Illiescu have been compeared, …
The Signet Office is happy to announce that Baroness Mægwynn Filia Brun has stepped up as Kingdom Awards Scheduler. The scheduler works closely with the Crown, Signet, and Eastern Crown Herald, as well as with the populace, to facilitate the bestowal and notification of awards and award documents. In addition, Lord Gavin Kent has agreed …
Salutations à notre Glorieuse Population du Royaume de l’Est. Les champions actuels des Arts et Sciences ainsi que le Ministère des Arts et Sciences du Royaume ont le plaisir d’annoncer que le Championnat d’Arts et Sciences aura lieu samedi le 2 mars 2024 dans le Fief de Quintavia. Cette année, nous reviendrons au format d’avant la pandémie, …
Greetings to our glorious Eastern populace! The current Champions of Arts and Sciences and the East Kingdom Ministry of Arts and Sciences are pleased to announce that the 2024 Crown Arts and Sciences competition will be held on Saturday, March 2 in the Shire of Quintavia. This year, we will return to the in-person format used prior …
I am excited to announce the East Kingdom Winter 2023 Online Arts and Sciences Display! From now on, we plan to have two online displays each year: one in the winter on December 1 (with entries due no later than November 15), and one in the summer on July 1 (with entries due no later …
Originally scheduled for 9/23 in the Barony of Bergental, Hasiltude will be rescheduled due to poor weather conditions, which are not safe for equestrian events. The new event date is TBD.
Their Highnesses Matthias and Æsa feilinn have finalized the format for the Fall EK Crown Tournament. Information is located at this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yv63dFZ6zr0yRsA9UrJ2P3cybUw_0oEkr5w9UYZ3nok/edit?usp=sharing — Maréchal Remy Delamontagne de Gascogne (he/him) Secretary of Royal Missives & Postings for Their Royal Highnesses
Greetings to the great Tyger Populace! War is behind us and Their Highnesses Matthias and Æsa Feilinn seek Heirs to aide in guiding the great Tyger realm through peace and prosperity. Fall Crown Tournament will be held in the Barony of Carolingia on November 4, 2023. The Event listing can be found here: https://www.eastkingdom.org/event-details/?eid=4190 Letters of Intent must …
The most recent report from John Fulton, SCA Inc. President, is now available. This report contains the publishable summaries and commendation sections from each Corporate and Society Officers’ reports. It also includes publishable summaries submitted by various Board committees. The report can be located here: https://www.sca.org/presidents-after-board-meeting-report-for-07-22-2023-meeting/ A video of the meeting will shortly be available on …