Announcement Regarding Two Handed Swords in Rapier
Unto the Kingdom of the East do I, Master Frasier MacLeod send warmest greetings,
For the past 10 months we have been working on developing a rule set for 2 handed swords in rapier. I am pleased to announce that a rule set has been adopted at the Society level so we have the official go ahead to roll out our rules, along with a list of initial 2 hander authorized fencers/marshals who will be fully empowered to perform authorizations going forward. The rule set and marshal’s list will be included below. Thank you all who contributed to this endeavor, and to all of you for your patience with us while we hammered these rules out.
In Service,
Master Frasier MacLeod, KRM, East
Rule Changes:
Add new Sec. III.C.1.a: Weapon types are defined by the following length criteria. Blades are measured from the tip to the top of the tang. Grip length is measured from the top of the tang to the end of the pommel. Weapons that fall outside of these dimensions may be allowed at the discretion of the Kingdom Rapier Marshal. In no case may the overall length of a weapon exceed 60″.
(i). A dagger shall have a blade of 18″ or less and a grip length of 10″ or less.
(ii). A rapier shall have a blade of 18″ to 48″ and a grip length of 10″ or less.
(iii). A two-handed sword shall have a blade of 30″ to 48″ and a grip length of at least 10″ but no greater than 1/3 the length of the blade.
Add new Sec. IV.A.1.g.: “Two Handed Sword — The form covers the use of a two handed sword with or without secondaries. A fencer who is so authorized may use a two handed sword with any secondary for which he or she has obtained a prior authorization described above.
Add new Sec. IV.C.6: Two handed sword- the candidate must be able to demonstrate safely and competently all elements listed under Single Rapier, above, as well as the following:
• ability to switch from two-handed to one handed grip when guarding and attacking, while maintaining appropriate calibration and control
• use of any form of secondary which the candidate reasonably expects to use in conjunction with two-handed sword
• ability to use the weapon against a two handed sword or single rapier, with or without secondaries
• a refined sense of calibration and control of the weapon at all times
2 Hander Authorized Marshals List:
Master Frasier MacLeod
Master Donovan Shinnock
Sir Antonio Patrasso
Master Matthäus Plattnersohn
Master Malcolm Bowman
Baroness Alesone Grey
Don Thomas of Effingham
Don Orlando Sforza
Don Griffith Davion
Lord William Deth
Lord Yehuda ben Moshe
In addition to these gentles I have added a supplementary list as well:
Master Boroujin Acilaldai
Master Caine Ramsey
Don Alfonso Pontelli
Don Owynn Greenwood
Mistress Xandra Rozina Xiberras Galea
If your name does NOT appear on this list,and you use a 2 hander, you will need to authorize with two of these marshals at your earliest convenience in order to use the form in tournament or melee combat.
There are also new, updated authorization forms available with a line for 2 handers on both the new and additional forms. Marshals, please feel free to download those for use immediately.
In Service,
Master Frasier MacLeod, KRM, East