Business from the Caliph’s Court of Carolingia (November 10th)
On the 10th of November, in the reign of Edward and Thyra, Their Excellencies Fergus and Imigla, Carolingia, did convene a Court, in full view of the populace so that all might see Their justice.
Item: Their Excellencies summoned Mistress Gwendolyn of Middlemarch, representative of the Order of the Daystar. She pleaded with them to recognize members of the populace who have performed signal service to the Barony. They then summoned Duke Vissevald Selkirkson and Lady Sepherah Dryden into Court, invested them both with medallions representing the badge of the Order, and welcomed them as new members.
Item: Their Excellencies summoned Lady Clara Beaumont, principal of the Order of the Moon, who similarly petitioned Them to recognize a man whose service to the Arts within Carolingia calls for notice. They called Baron Valerian of Somerset into Court, presenting him with the badge of the Moons and welcoming him as a member of that august body.
Item: Lady Albreda, a new immigrant to the Barony, was welcomed into Court. She presented sweet honey from her former demesne to Their Excellencies; this gift was accepted graciously, whereupon she and her family were welcomed into Carolingia, to take a due portion of lands within it as their own.
Item: Countess Marguerite and Lord Quinn were invited into Court. They announced the victors of the day’s tournaments in both armored and rapier combat, as well as other worthies who had distinguished themselves on the field, and presented them with sundry gifts in due recognition of their feats.
Item: Lady Edith was summoned in her role of Baronial Thrown Weapons Marshal. She requested that Lady Ysane present herself in Court, and then gave to her a badge officially recognizing her as the Barony’s latest Novice Thrower, and encouraging her to continue learning this fine defensive art.
These items being complete, Their Excellencies adjourned Their Court.
In witness,
Justin du Coeur
Thank you. 🙂