Despite Rain, Pennsic War Points Continue
Despite the continuing intermittent rain and resulting scheduling changes, Pennsic continued in full swing on Thursday, with the East continuing to fight valiantly and victoriously.
The Thrown Weapons war point took place in the morning, and won by the East.
Thursday’s scheduled Bridge Battles were replaced by a broken field battle worth 5 points, all of which were won by the East.
The Ruins battle for Rapier fighters was held as scheduled Thursday afternoon. All three points for this battle went to the Midrealm.
A siege weapons war point was also held on Thursday, which was taken by the Midrealm.
The East was also awarded two points toward the overall Service war point.
Friday’s scheduled events at Pennsic include the Castle Battle for armored combat, and the last day of the Populace War Point Archery. Closing ceremonies are scheduled for today at 2 pm.
Thank you for these reports. Makes Pennsic a bit closer for those of us playing at home. 🙂