In Memoriam: Lord Ragnarr Dragonheart
It is with great sadness that the Gazette reports on the passing of Lord Ragnarr Dragonheart. He passed away on January 3rd, 2014. He is survived by his lady, Lady Fionnghuala Na Lamh Bann.
Lord Ragnarr joined the SCA in the fall of 1993 and was an active member of the Barony of Settmour Swamp for over 20 years, serving as the Seneschal of Gryphonwald for a number of years, and as a warranted Marshal. He was granted both a Bronze and Iron Tower from Settmour Swamp for his service and martial prowess. Following his passing, Their Excellencies Erec and Jehannine of Settmour Swamp had the following to say:
Ragnarr Dragonheart has perished from the Earth. Sharp of wit, a valiant soul, a mighty warrior, the heart of the dragon in the body of a man that body could no longer contain. We are honored to have known him, to walk this earth with him, to join him in arms, and quaff ale at his table. He gave of himself, and spread mirth and joy where ere he went. Our Barony was richer for his presence. Ragnarr
Dragonheart, you will sorely be missed.
Lord Ragnarr was a member of the Dark Horde and Clan na Bheithir. He was squired to Syr Teric Gwynedd for over a decade. Syr Teric had the following to say of his squire:
Ragnarr’s generosity, love of fun and creativity were boundless. Ragnar had a heart of gold and would do anything for anyone. He had a driving desire to make everything he did as fun as he could for all involved. A man of quirky humor, with a strong sense of honor. Ragnar will be sorely missed by his Lady Fionnghuala Na Lamh Bann, his Barony, his friends, his Horde bretheren and my household. Enjoy Valhalla my friend and my Squire, I will miss you.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, January 18th, 2014 from 2-4pm at Flynn and Son Funeral Home, 23 Ford Ave., Fords, NJ.
Full information is available on his obituary.
Thank you.