Tyger Clerk of the Signet Seeks Regional Deputies
The Office of the East Kingdom Tyger Clerk of the Signet would not run as smoothly without the assistance of many deputies. At this time I would like to publicly thank both Mistress Carolyne de la Pointe, Northern Deputy-Clerk, and Lady Margaret Twygge, Tir Mara Deputy-Clerk, for their strong support and service in these past two and a half years. As both have stepped down from their respective positions, I wish them both the very best and I know they leave some very big shoes to fill.
A listing of job openings for deputy positions within the East Kingdom Signet Office are posted at our website, at http://signet.eastkingdom.org/wp/2013/09/01/job-openings-northern-region-and-tir-mara-east-tir-mara-west-deputies/.
If you are interested in applying for one of these positions, or any other positions that may come up, I encourage you to please review the job descriptions, and email me at signet@eastkingdom.org no later than September 20, 2013, as these positions play a vital role in assisting scribes on the regional and Crown Principality level.
Thank you for this brief indulgence of your time and consideration, and In Service, I remain,
-Mistress Kayleigh McWhyte
East Kingdom Tyger Clerk of the Signet