Pennsic 51 Archery – Friday, Aug. 9 – It’s a Wrap!
The final archery war points were reported yesterday, and the range was torn down and packed for next year, but there are a few other bits of archery news worth sharing.
The Known World Baronial Champions Tournament was held on Sunday, Aug.4. The handbow winner was Adella Silberpfeil, and the crossbow winner was Torin Mildenhalle. Vivant!
The Head-to-Head Tournament was also held Sunday. There were 28 entrants, and it was ultimately won by Master Miles de Locwode, Atlantia’s Deputy Earl Marshal of Target Archery — very fitting, as Master Ryan described this competition as a “pure Atlantian speed tournament”!
Also on Sunday morning, before the range was shut down, was the 10th Pennsic Period Shoot. According to Godzimir the Golden, the sponsor, “Aethelmearc swept the event!”
- First place: Lord Simon á Fjárfelli (a youth archer!)
- Second place: Niall mac Raedwulf
- Third place: Yakub al-Musafir & Mistress Elska Á Fjárfelli (tie)
- Best ensemble: Master Robert of Ferness
Here are some shots of the tests our Archery Champions Team faced on Wednesday:
In closing, here are two lovely shots from Thursday night, proving that everything looks clean and dry in the dark!
Photos by: Arlyana van Wyck, Camille des Jardins, Cathain Reiter, Dessa de Falco, Godzimir the Golden and Samuel of Hadchester.