Social Media and the Brigantia Principal Heralds Office
Unto the populace of the east kingdom does Ryan Brigantia send greetings. In recent weeks there has been a flurry of comments and posts regarding the use of Social Media, including the adoption of the SCA Social Media Policy. While I, personally, am very active in many different outlets of Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter, G+, and YouTube I do not plan on creating an official presence of the Brigantia Principal Herald’s office on any of those entities during my tenure as Brigantia. All of the above listed social media sites are not secure, no matter what their Security Policies state, and data can, and does, get removed by those social media sites without warning and/or can be used by third parties without permission of the poster.
I will continue to support and encourage unofficial court reports published in the EK Gazette and the East Kingdom social media groups at the discretion of the Vox Regis and the Crown.
Email will remain, as it has been for years, the only official electronic communication method of the Brigantia Principal Herald’s Office. Know that you can contact me through social media for discussions regarding any topic but any official discussion will ultimately have to be summarized in an email.
Going forward quarterly territorial group herald reports will not be accepted through social media. Official court reports will NOT be accepted through social media. They will only be accepted using the forms available on The East Kingdom College of Heralds website, through email, hard copy mail, or hand delivery. Similarly, the Eastern Crown Herald has stated that the forms for submission of names and armorial will only be accepted through email, hard copy mail, or hand delivery.