East Kingdom Exchequer and DEI Officer Roles Filled!
Greetings to the Populace of the East,
We would like to announce the appointment of two new officers in the East.
We are pleased to announce Baroness Arlyana Van Wyck as the next Chancellor of the Exchequer. While you have probably seen her recording courts and on archery or thrown weapons ranges, she has worked locally and for the Kingdom for 20 years doing exchequer work. The ceremonial changeover will take place at Crown Tournament, but Arylana is already warranted and digging into her new role. We look forward to her continuing and improving the good work of the office! Please congratulate her when you have a chance.
We would like to to thank Baron Mikjall Bogmadr for his more than four years in the office, taking over when the kingdom needed someone to fulfill the role suddenly and steering the office through the pandemic. Enjoy your well deserved break!
We would like to also thank Lady Ysane la Fileresse for, among other things, her work for 6+ years as the Deputy Exchequer, taking on various roles within the office. We particularly would like to thank her for continuing on through the transitional period, to ensure an easy as possible change over.
We are also pleased to announce Lady Caoilfhionn Inghean Lochlainn for the very important role of Officer of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI). While we are grateful for the range of experiences, thoughtfulness, and enthusiasm all the candidates brought to this role, Caoilfhionn has a background in DEI activities from her real world experiences that will be very beneficial to the Kingdom.
It is our intention to raise the profile of the office to a Greater Officer role at our future Curia, to reflect what we see as the strong, dedicated and fierce Eastern support for the well being of all people within the Kingdom. In the meantime, the DEI Officer role will continue to act as a lesser officer to the Kingdom Seneschal.
We look forward to the work that she and her office will accomplish and know that Caoilfhionn is already busy building on the foundation that is there. Please congratulate her when you have the opportunity to.
In service,
Feilinn Regina, Matthias Rex