Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer Needed!
To the diverse, passionate, and dedicated populace of the East Kingdom, do We, Princess
Feilinn and Prince Matthias, send greetings!
Baron Mikjáll bogmaðr has ably been the Kingdom’s Chancellor of the Exchequer for the past
four years and is required to take a well deserved break. To facilitate this, We are eager to
interview potential candidates, but we have a problem. We have no candidates yet!
The Chancellor of the Exchequer is a cornerstone position for any SCA group to function, from
the smallest canton to the largest Kingdom. It takes someone who can delegate, communicate,
and encourage others. You don’t need to be a professional accountant, nor must you be a
current or former regional deputy exchequer to apply and succeed in this role. Mikjáll himself
stepped up from a Shire of Quintavia Exchequer to the Kingdom job when the previous
exchequer resigned. A love spreadsheets certainly helps, but Mikjáll and his current deputies
will guide you through the ramp up process.
A quick, non-exhaustive overview of the Kingdom’s Chancellor of the Exchequer’s
responsibilities include:
● Safeguard and maintain records of the monies of the Kingdom and supervises the
finances of the Kingdom.
● Makes a report of the Kingdom finances on a quarterly basis to the Crown and Kingdom
● Makes a report of the Kingdom finances on an annual basis to the Society Exchequer.
● Receives monies allocated by East Kingdom Law or donated and distributes it in
accordance with East Kingdom Law.
● Warrants and oversees the local branch exchequers, with the help of the Regional
Deputy Exchequers
We, Baron Mikjáll, or anyone in the Exchequer office are happy to answer questions about the
role and its responsibilities. If you’re interested in the position, please send your letter of interest
and a brief resume of relative skills and experience to:
The Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer (
The Kingdom Seneschal (
Their Majesties (
Their Highnesses (
We would be forever grateful to those that do answer the call.
Thank you,
Prince Matthias and Princess Feilinn