Transition of SCA Inc. Registration Systems
With a transition in software platforms, the current event registration system is being phased out by 1 December 2022 and replaced in early 2023. My office is working with all Kingdoms using the system to ensure that event registrations using that system have been properly recorded and transferred to Kingdom accounts.
For events to be held after December 3, 2022, Kingdoms currently approved for PayPal use, may request a variance to use PayPal as an alternate method to accept credit cards for registration payments for the remainder of the registration period. All Kingdom Seneschals and Exchequers have been advised of the conditions for these type of variances.
Kingdoms not approved to use PayPal will need to accept checks/money orders (mail in) for early registrations.
We look forward to bringing you an updated registration system during the first quarter of 2023 and thank you for your patience during the transition period. My thanks in particular to all Kingdom Exchequers and their reeves for their tireless efforts.
Questions or comments regarding this transition should be directed in the first instance to your local Kingdom Exchequer. You may contact me at
Bonnie Stringer
Society Exchequer