The East Has Heirs!
Sir Mohammad Al Wajdi Al Abderrafi Al Manil Ibn Horrah Ibn Gowan for THL Corotica Merkka Senebelenae defeated Viscount Culann mac Cianain for Viscountess Sefa Hrafnsdóttir
Vivant for the Heirs of the East!
The fights, slated for best 4 out of 7, were as follows:
- Round 1: Madu and Sword – Culann wins
- Round 2: Mohammad chooses spear and wins
- Round 3: Culann chooses Dane Axe and wins
- Round 4: Mo chooses Polearm and wins
In Round 5, Culann was injured, and unable to continue.
The Gazette thanks our reporters on the ground, the MoLs, heralds, Earl Marshal Staff, and their Majesties for their hard work. Any mistakes are entirely on our part, and not theirs.