Service Orders Meeting Sept 3 at 8:30PM
Good afternoon, East Kingdom!
I hope everyone had a good start to their week. This is your gentle reminder that this Thursday, September 3 at 8:30pm, Their Majesties will be spending time with the Service Orders to do some recording for the upcoming Ethereal Courts.
The meeting link was sent out via the E-Mail Discussion Lists last Friday. If you are not subscribed to the list, and need the link, please send the following information to
SCA Name:
Order You Are A Companion Of:
Link to Your OP Entry:
By sending this information to me directly, I can confirm your membership in the Order with one simple click, and then forward you the Zoom Link. You may not get an immediate response from me, but I will have the link to you by midday on Thursday. Going forward, I would ask you subscribe to the Discussion Lists via:
In Service,
Baroness Audrye Beneyt
Consules Tindal & Alberic