Another update from the Webministry
Greetings again from the Webministry of the East Kingdom!
After this, I expect the frequency and volume of these updates to lessen, as we go from the excitement of getting started and transition in to the drudgery of just digging through everyone. But that means we’re to that point!
Tonight we moved our third branch and we now have scheduled 7 more branches to move and an entire Kingdom Department. We haven’t yet tried to move 2 branches in a single evening, but tonight proved it is possible. We’re also now making this available:
That’s the schedule of all the migrations as they fill in. Once we receive the spreadsheet of user information from a branch, we create their accounts, send those folks their welcome letters, and then we can schedule their migration. That’s when it goes on the calendar. If your group isn’t on the calendar, we haven’t yet received the information we need to put you there. Seneschals? Get us info. You can see the queue now, the power to get on that line is in your hands.
We’re also releasing the Frequently Asked Questions list, so you can see that (most likely) the questions you have are questions many people have… and see the answers, too!
Lastly for this time out, we’re getting questions about when all the rest of the features of GSuite will be available, and what features we’re getting. Well, we’re getting a pretty full selection of the standard features (Mail, Docs, Drive, Calendar, Sheets, Forms, etc.) but not Sites. The “When”, on the other hand, is not yet. The “price of admission” to use any of these features is having a login account and email address. That’s how Google’s stuff works. That’s why we’re pushing to get everyone migrated over to GMail first. Once we have that process completely ironed out, including how we handle mailing lists (solved, but not ready for public consumption yet!) and officer transitions (we think we know how this one will work), then our crack Development Team (David Cortijo) will be able to start working on Team Drive so we can figure out how to do what is needed to safely, securely, and possibly most importantly easy to transition to a successor in the future, share files that need to be shared around a Branch, Kingdom Department, or the Kingdom as a whole. But that largely means that this stuff, while wildly useful and needed, is going to take a backseat to the email migration that we really have to complete _first_.
In Service,
Joel Messerer
East Kingdom Deputy Webminister for Services