Pennsic A & S Champions Team Announced
On behalf of Their Most Glorious and Fierce Imperial Majesties, Ioannes and Honig, I am excited and pleased to announce the Champions for the Arts and Sciences War Point at Pennsic.
The War Point will be on Thursday of War Week, in the Great Hall, 11:30-5:00. These are the changes from years past: All are welcome to come view and vote on the amazing works of all of the artisans. Artisans are entering a single, new item and are anonymous. Voting is from 12:00-4:00; from 4:00-5:00 the Artisans will return and discuss their work with interested populace members. The war point will be awarded at 5 o’clock.
The Artisans representing the East: Lady Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Duke Kenric aet Essex, Lord Stefan of Silverforge, Duchess Thyra Eiriksdottir, and Baroness Katheryn Fontayne.
Please come out and support these amazingly talented artisans with your votes!
In service,
Meisterin Agatha Wanderer, Arts and Sciences War Point General