Scarlet Gard Accord Signed in Aethelmearc
The Order of the Scarlet Guard is the Kingdom of Aethelmearc’s Order of High Merit for archery. Recently they requested of Their Majesties of Aethelmearc that they sign a Royal Accord, know as the Scarlet Guard Accord, granting to other members of equivalent orders who may visit the Kingdom of Aethelmearc, recognition and privileges equal to their own, including attendance at face to face order meetings.
The list of equivalent orders named in the accord includes the East’s Order of the Sagittarius.
The Order of the Sagittarius was established January 2 A.S 18 (1984) by Viktor and Sedalia. It is a polling order, meaning that prospective members are proposed to the existing membership, who advise Their Majesties regarding the suitability of those persons to join the order. The final decision rests with Their Majesties. The criteria for becoming a member of the Order of Sagittarius include showing superior prowess at the target archery range and having distinguished themselves in archery in one of the following areas; teaching and demonstrating the art of archery, making archery equipment or by helping to arrange archery at events and/or sites and thus demonstrating an overall impact to archery in the Kingdom.
The full details regarding the accord are discussed at length in this article appearing in the Aethelmearc Gazette: