Updated Information from Their Highnesses on Pollings
Members of Our Noble Orders:
As we mentioned at our order meetings at Pennsic, it has come to our attention that several recommendations were not picked up during our first polling. To fix this issue and to make sure everyone recommended is on the polls, here is what we are going to do.
We will be extending the due date of the current 1st poll one week so it is now due August 29th at 11:59 PM.
We will send out a second polling with the missing recommendations in the next few days.
We will likely do a third Polling at some point following coronation.
In general, we will send out all recommendations that we receive in order to gain feedback on any candidate. We trust you, Our Orders of High Merit and Peerage to give us the feedback We need to make informed decisions.
Thanks you for your patience and participation. If you have any questions about this or any other matter, please feel free to contact us.
In Service to the East,
Brion Princeps
Anna Principessa