Known World Cooks and Bards 2024: the Cooking Edition!
MISSIVE: From Olyf Moorcroft, Kingdom of Aethelmearc Marketing for KWCB
Have you ever had that idea for a dream dish or even an entire feast, but you know that the average SCAdian would not eat it or it is sadly out of the budget? Then this is the event for you! We are planning an event for you to come teach, cook, and share what makes your SCA cooks’ heart sing!
We designed an entirely new way of experiencing how to plan, prepare, teach, and share dishes at the Girl Scout Amahami Outdoor Center the weekend of August 30-September 2, 2024.
This site features a main kitchen and three other smaller kitchens as well as several covered outdoor cooking facilities that are perfect for this innovative event idea.
This event is a fantastic opportunity to turn your dream feast and/or dish into an exciting new class! Let others learn about your reasons why, your methods, and your recreated recipes and techniques. We encourage teaching as part of your dish preparation and invite students to work beside you.
We asked have you ever:
- wished to make a dish using an uncommon ingredient?
- worked on a researched dish that was too expensive for a feast?
- wanted to cook it all over period heat sources? (Fire!)
- wanted to try cooking venison, rabbit, or fish but could not?
- done a deep dive into a culture or region and desired to present a complete meal they would have eaten?
Your concerns:
- Traveling with food from great distances.
- Cost of ingredients.
- Accommodations
- Only one feast/dinner.
Our solutions:
- Four (or more!) smaller feasts on Saturday.
- One Grand Feast on Sunday.
- This is a Girl Scout camp, so there are lodges, several cabins, platform tents, and tenting space available for you.
- You provide the menu so we can purchase your ingredients and have them on site for you!
The details:
You are welcome to teach a stand-alone class and/or a class featuring a dish that will be part of a larger menu. To submit a proposal, you will need to include:
- Submit a class proposal for each dish and class. You choose whether the class will be part of any feast menu.
- Class Name and dish.
- If part of a menu, each dish is to feed a table of 8 people (or provide samples for 24).
- If providing a tasting dish, include a complete ingredients list (including the exact amount and/or count of each).
- Any cooking supplies, tools, utensils, pots, and pans. Be specific (cast iron pots, knives, bowls, spoons, etc).
On Saturday, we are featuring a minimum of four smaller feasts in the kitchens and a few outdoor locations; each may be focused on a place, space, time, and/or culture. The numbers to feed are up to the lead cook for each menu and can be for as many as 32 diners.
For each kitchen and outdoor cooking area, the first person who contacts us with their proposal determines who will be the lead cook for each dinner.
For example, Person A proposes a 14th-century Andalusian dinner cooked over the fire and has the entire menu planned; this is how the procedure will happen:
The person submits a meal proposal form available on the website. It will need to include the following information:
- Menu.
- Number of people you want to feed.
- Complete ingredients list (that includes the exact amount and/or count for each).
- Cooking supplies, tools, and cooking needs such as cast iron pots, knives, bowls, spoons, etc. needed.
- Indicate if your class will be part of a feast menu.
On Sunday:
The Grand Feast!
This day will be dedicated to preparing various dishes, all to be shared in the Grand Feast as a showcase of teaching, learning, and camaraderie.
Teach a class on your dish. You are welcome to prepare the dish for the Grand Feast–OR–provide the recipe for someone on staff to prepare. The purpose is to showcase what our students learned. Pork pies? Sausages? Applemousse? Dim Sum? Curry? Pasta? Bread? You may cook, you may teach, or you can do both! Be fearless! Send us your ideas and we will help you make them come to life!
- We are looking for at least four (4) menus for Saturday evening feasts of 32-48 people (size is negotiable).
- Lunch menus for Saturday and Sunday for an estimated 100-150 people. This needs to be submitted as a meal proposal.
- Dishes for our Grand Feast on Sunday.
Still not sure? Ask us!
You are welcome to submit an idea for a dish or a menu so that we can help you flesh it out. We encourage your culinary exploration! We have great sources and have tried to set reasonable pricing to afford those special or exotic ingredients. We are all here to learn and celebrate other successes. No dish or class is considered too simple or basic. We all start by building on what we know and basic skills. Classes could be about knife Skills, budgeting, kitchen management, animal husbandry, basic butchering, or food preservation. This event is all about learning and sharing!
Go to our website and select the “Volunteer” tab to volunteer to teach!