A&S at Bloodfeud in the Danelaw
Artisans and Scientists of the East, take heed!
The East Kingdom Ministry of Arts and Sciences is excited to announce that we will be partnering with Bloodfeud in the Danelaw: A Viking Immersion Event this coming September to provide a kingdom-wide Viking-themed A&S Display and Laurels’ Challenge!
There will be both live and virtual options for the display and laurels’ challenge components. The live display will take place on Saturday, September 30 from 11-3, and the virtual display will run the week before and after the weekend of the Bloodfeud event (approximately 9/25-10/8).
If you are an artisan interested in displaying or taking part in a challenge, either live or virtual, registration will open mid-July, so be on the lookout for that announcement!
If you are a laurel interested in hosting a challenge, either in person or online, please contact Amalie, EK Minister of A&S, at moas@eastkingdom.org.
We can’t wait to see what amazing Viking projects you dream up!