From the Deputy for Sign Language Heraldry: Classes and instruction offered!
Classes are currently scheduled for Wednesdays at 7 pm EDT, starting June 29, 2022, and will run no longer than 30 minutes of instruction time. Depending on the number of people interested, additional classes may be added.
The purpose of these classes is not to teach fluency-level ASL, but to teach students enough sign language, beginning with “universal” basics and moving up to EK-specific signs, to be able to silent herald a court of any kind – royal, baronial, or “other.” You do not need to be fluent in ASL to be a silent herald.** If you know enough sign language to be able to communicate with a toddler, you already have the foundations needed to do this.
**Disclaimer – While a fluent ASL interpreter is the best person for this job, the number of professional interpreters who are ALSO in the SCA is not large enough to cover the number of courts in the East Kingdom on any given weekend.Anyone who is interested in attending should reach out to Donna Lorita on Facebook (Lorita DeSiena) or by email (