A missive from the Seneschal of the East: Masks At Events
Greetings unto the populace of the East Kingdom,
I write to remind the populace that masks are the price of having in-person events, and compliance is not optional.
A recent event was particularly inattentive to correct mask wearing, which I was deeply disappointed to learn about from first-person accounts and many photos on Facebook.
This is unacceptable. The Kingdom is requiring that attendees for all in-person gatherings of all types and sizes wear masks. Masks can be lowered BRIEFLY to eat or drink, and they do not need to be worn under the helm if actively fighting. When the helm comes off, the mask goes on. Full stop, no exceptions.
All branch officers and event staff need to both set the example and enforce compliance. We also really need attendees to do their part — wear your masks, gently remind your friends to wear theirs. No one wants to be the mask police monitoring every single face for full compliance, but neither is a complete lack of enforcement effort acceptable. If officers and event staff are uncomfortable asking folks to wear masks, then the branch shouldn’t be holding in-person gatherings. If attendees refuse to wear masks, they will be told to leave. If they refuse to leave, the authorities will be called.
Should I learn of in-person gatherings with poor mask compliance, this office will investigate. Should the reports be true, I will suspend the branch from all activity for at least a month, possibly longer depending on specifics. I will also strongly consider pulling officers’ warrants. In this, I have the support of the Crown, the Society Seneschal, and Society President.
Please, everyone — being back to in-person events has brought a lot of joy. Wear the mask so we can continue to see each other. Thank you.
In service,