A&S Champions website is live!
Oyez! Oyez! Oyez!
People of the East Kingdom Pray Attend!
Your Champions of Arts and Sciences gladly announce that the A.S. LV Crown’s Championship of Arts and Sciences is live and open to the public. Come one and all to view and praise the artistry of the East.
Upon entering the website at https://moas.eastkingdom.org/
you will encounter individual pages for each artisan whether they are competitors for Champion or participating in the youth or adult display.
Interact with the artisans by commenting on their entry, leaving praise, and/or asking questions. Perhaps leaving a virtual token to acknowledge your visit.
You, the populace of the East, bring the warmth and light to any event. Our artisans will feel it best if you display it within the comments.
During the week of January 17-23, our judging teams will be interviewing entrants individually via video conference, using the East Kingdom rubric to examine each artisan’s work. After the first round of judging ends on the evening of the 23rd, a handful of finalists will be selected, which will be announced on Sunday, January 24th.
During the week of January 24-31, the finalists will have the opportunity to speak with Their Majesties about their projects and what they hope to bring to the position of champion. After all finalists have been interviewed and Their Majesties have had a chance to deliberate, our new A&S champions will be announced.
It is our hope that this competition and display will serve not only to show off the amazing artistry within our great kingdom, but also to strengthen and encourage each artisan on their individual journey. While only two champions are chosen, every artisan taking part in this event is a jewel in the Eastern crown.
It has been our honor to serve the East Kingdom as Arts and Sciences champions during this unique time. We wish the best of luck to all competitors, and look forward to welcoming our successors.
THL Amalie von Hohensee, Crown’s Champion
Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi, Sovereign’s Champion