East Kingdom Curia to be Held September 27, 2020 Online
Greetings to all who see these words.
The Eastern Consules Tindal and Alberic will hold Curia on Sunday, 27 September 2020, at 10:00 am conducted ethereally in accordance with SCA, Inc. guidelines.
Google Meets link will be announced closer to the event. See details below.
An agenda and details of the proposed changes will be provided to those holding seats on the Curia via the dedicated e-list, and also posted on the Seneschal’s web site, when they are available.
This Curia is happening earlier in the reign than usual especially to allow the East to conduct essential business via the expanded Google Meets capacity (250 participants) while it’s still available at no cost to the kingdom. There may be another Curia later in the reign, if Their Majesties determine that it’s needed.
Curia will not be recorded, just as live Curiae aren’t.
The EK Webministry has graciously offered to serve as Mute-Monitors, to help keep the background noise at a minimal level by helping everyone in the meeting stay muted when they’re not the recognized speaker. Please remember to keep yourself muted!
There will be designated Speaking List moderators. Gentles who wish to speak in Curia will note that in the chat. The moderators will keep the list and keep order among the speakers. Because the chat is essential for tracking speaking requests, the Consules request that it not be used for commentary or side conversations.
EK Law grants certain offices and persons the right to speak and be heard by the Crown in Curia:
– The Heirs of the East Kingdom
– The Coronet and Heirs of Principalities of the East Kingdom
– Greater Kingdom Officers
– Lesser Kingdom Officers
– Local Branch Seneschals
– East Kingdom Royal Peers
– East Kingdom Territorial Barons and Baronesses
These gentles are most earnestly requested to participate in the Curia meeting via their official eastkingdom.org email account to make it easier for the Speaking List moderators to identify them and ensure that their words reach the Crown. (If you won’t be able to do that for this Curia, please send word to the Clerk of Laws soonest, so the Seneschal and the Speaking List moderators will be able to identify you in the meeting. lawclerk@eastkingdom.org)
There will be designated blocks of time for members of the populace to speak, so that their words also reach the Crown. Everyone who has an eastkingdom.org email account is encouraged to join the Curia meeting using that account so the Consules, Seneschal, and Speaking List moderators may address you properly. (If technology access makes calling in by phone your best option, please contact the Clerk of Laws before Curia with the number you will be dialing in from so that you can be properly identified. lawclerk@eastkingdom.org)
The Consules and the Seneschal appreciate everyone’s efforts to support this new Curia format. We’re all especially appreciative of the efforts and support of the EK Webministry, for making this possible and even making it look easy.
in service,
Baroness Eadgyth aet Staeningum, OP
Clerk of Laws