BoD Announcement – Creation of A Social Media Committee
The Board of Directors, in direct response to the increasing issues of Social Media, has decided to form a Social Media Committee to discuss and address the following:
- Clearly defined scope of review for SCA Social Media.
- Established Social Media bright-lines for what constitutes unacceptable social media behavior.
- Corrective action guidelines for Crowns and Seneschals to administer proportional corrective actions for transgressions against the aforementioned bright-lines.
- Suggested training program for social media officers, seneschals, and crowns on how to identify bright-line transgressions as they occur, when and how to lock threads, turn off comments, and/or delete posts.
- A strict definition of doxxing.
We wish to assure our community that the SCA is committed to being a non-political entity and inclusi
ve of all beliefs and people.
The President and Society Seneschal will be reaching out to kingdoms soon to gather input on Social Media.