Known World Symposiums: cancellations due to COVID19
Greetings from Lord Dagonell Collingwood! I am the Known World Symposium Advertising Deputy under the Society Minister of Arts and Sciences, Seigneur Etienne Le Mons d’Anjou.
It is my sad duty to announce the following cancellations due to the COVID19 virus:
Known World Italian Salon & Symposium was to have taken place THIS weekend, March 19 – 22, 2020 at Gulf Wars in the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann. With the cancellation of the Gulf Wars itself, the symposium is cancelled as well.
Known World Academy of the Rapier & Costuming Symposium was scheduled for April 17 – 19, 2020 in the Kingdom of Avacal. It has also been cancelled.
If you have pre-registered for either of these events, please be patient while the event staffs deal with these overwhelming circumstances. Future symposiums have NOT been cancelled at this time.