Changes Announced to Curia Agenda and Royal Progress Profit Sharing Rules
Hear again Her Majesty’s words:
To the people of the East, greetings,
Thank you for your patience while the Kingdom Exchequer has been addressing the Kingdom’s difficult financial reports. The Exchequer has corrected the underlying problem, and will have a report during Curia at Birka. Based on his recommendation, I am changing the implementation of the Royal Progress profit sharing to begin January 1, 2021. The newest agenda reflects this update, but is otherwise unchanged from the previously-circulated version.
I look forward to seeing many of you at Birka.
Yours in service to the East and the Dream,
Queen Margarita
The further-revised agenda for Her Majesty’s upcoming Curia is now live on the East Kingdom Seneschal’s Website.
in service,
Mistress Eadgyth aet Staeningum
Clerk of Laws
Curia is the process by which the laws and policies of the East Kingdom are updated, amended, and changed. You can learn more about Curia at the Seneschal’s website.
East Kingdom Curia will be held as part of in the Barony of Stonemarche (Manchester, NH) as part of A Market Day At Birka. Curia will be held on Sunday, January 26th at 9 am.
Questions about the agenda, or about attending Curia, should be directed to the East Kingdom Seneschal, at