TRM Announce Campaign for the East!
Come on Campaign with Us!
We, King Luis de Castilla and Queen Margarita de Siena, invite you to join us as We go on Campaign throughout the East Kingdom. Come join Us as We travel the prosperous lands of the East and Tir Mara. Meet the generous populace of this Kingdom as they open their arms and invite Us all to visit. Share time with artisans you have never met and trade knowledge. Come out of your pond and test your mettle against new friends. Join in the dancing, laughter and songs that are sure to populate the air! If these things are not enough to entice you, how about earning some Campaign pay?
Pick up your Letter of Passage booklet at Our Coronation, or at any Royal Progress event after that, and track your progress through Our Reign by collecting each event’s exclusive sticker within its pages. At the end of Our Reign (or at the last RP event you attend during Our Reign,) bring in your book and receive your pay:
Campaign Pay
1-3 RP events during Our Reign: Safe Passage Book and Special Event Stickers
4-7 events: Token
8-12 events: Challenge Coin
13 or more events: Purple and Gold Hood
We hope that many of you will join us in this journey of sharing, learning and fun.
In Service to the East,
le Rey Luis & la Reina Margarita