Narrative court report for 100 Minutes War

Winter had come early, leaving snow upon the ground in the Shire of Rusted Woodlands. But the 17th of November, AS 53, called in the common era 2018 was a touch warmer, and as the snow turned much of the earth to mud, Their Majesties Wilhelm and Vienna did arrive at the 30th Anniversary of The 100 Minutes War.
Before the warriors gathered there took up arms that day, Their Majesties held a court at the edge of the field. Sir Tanaka spoke to all about the plans for the day, and welcomed all to enjoy. Then first called before The King and Queen was Andromedas of Surtr’s Brood, and as he knelt in the mud before Them, Their order of the Silver Tyger was called as well, and while the scroll had not arrived in time, Their Majesties Herald spoke words to commemorate his addition to the order, and a medallion was given. The scroll made by Melina al Andalusiyya, Robin Dit Dessaint and Dankwert Bathory was promised to come.
While the order was present, Their Majesties called another to be added to their ranks. Halfdan the Grimm was the one to hear his name and with a wooden rune tablet by Mariette de Bretagne and a medallion as well, he was made a companion of the Silver Tyger.
Next to hear his name cried out was Fearghus O’Conchobhair. His Majesty spoke about this fighter and then called forward the order of the Tygers Combattant. With a legacy medallion from Count Ivan, and a second medallion made for Fearghus by his own deputy, as well as an incredibly tiny and intricate scroll by Palotzi Marti, it was done.
Their Majesties had one more piece of business for this muddy morning. They bade their herald call before Them Ioannes Aurelius Serpentius. They spoke about his skill with the rapier, and They called before Them the order of the Silver Rapier, so that this man could be included in their numbers. There was a medallion made for him by Anne de Basillon and an Icon tablet made by Anna Dokeianina Syrakousina, that came with very specific instructions not to lick it.
Her Majesty announced that She had favors for Fighters and Fencers and with that Their court was suspended until that evening.
After a day spent fighting, fencing, throwing weapons, shooting arrows and talking with friends, the time for Their Majesties to reconvene Their court had arrived. Their Majesties Wilhelm and Vienna processed into the hall, followed by Crown Prince Ozurr and then They welcomed Prince Edmund of the Middle Kingdom to join them. Royals greeted one another and gifts were exchanged between the kingdoms.
At this point, as the writer of these recollections, I must ask for some understanding – The hall was dark and my eyes are not as young as they once were. I endeavored to keep good notes of all that occurred, but I am not certain I can read all that I wrote. Be that as it may, we shall continue on as best we can.
Sir Tanaka was called forward to share information on all the work that had gone into making the day possible and to offer thanks all those involved in making it possible. Then he had the various champions of the day announced. First was Morwill McShane who had won the Fencing competition. Next was the results from the Heavy Weapons activities, where Captain Sirus (of the Middle Kingdom) had captained the force that came in first, and Klaus Von Vallachia had captained the other force. While Archery had seen only 2 participants this day, Thrown Weapons had a champion, one Thorormr Barnakarl.
Her Majesty next recognized two additional members of Her guard. Antonio Giancarlo Nicastri and Jibril ibn Ammar al-Fayyad were called forward and put to work immediately.
The herald now called Aisha Bint Allan into Their Majesty’s presence. For all of her work the last 4 years at the Pennsic Wars caring for fighters as well as her work with the Watch and her help with State Dinner, an Award of Arms was hers this day, commemorated with a scroll made by Dag/Dane Geirvardr.
Gauthrum of Drachenklaue now heard his name. As he knelt before The King and Queen, They spoke of his time spent as a Heavy Weapons fighter and about how others found him helpful and worthy of being a Lord of Their court. And with a scroll by Triona MacCasky and Toki Skaldagorvir, They made it so.
The next gentle called was not present in court, and however Baroness Lada Monguligin promised to carry the Silver Brooch medallion and scroll by Katherine Barr to the gentle Their Majesties had decreed a companion of the order this day.
There was another that Their Majesties wished to add to the order of the Silver Brooch. They had called for him at St. Eligis the week prior, and he had not been present. Today when they called his name, again he did not come forward. However, Duke Brennan claimed to be kin to this gentle, and offered to carry the medallion and the scroll by Caera Fitzpatrick to him.
Newcomers were called forward and given tokens from Their Majesties, as well as encouraged to return soon to another event.
Now Their Majesties called three gentles forward all together. Maeve Draco, Hunter Odhinn and Bigbee Sherwood, for they were a family. Her Majesty stood and drew one called Mourn forward as well. She spoke about how blessed She had felt when asked to attend the Handfasting of Mourn and Maeve the Pennsic prior, and about all they had had to overcome and about how they deserved great happiness. Their Majesties wanted to make these three gentles lords and ladies of Their court. With a scroll for Maeve by Eadaoin Chruitire, a scroll for Hunter by Eowyn Eilonwy of Alewife Brook and with a scroll for Bigbee by Emeline la Chauciere it was so.
The next name called was Ludovic of Carolingia, who had formerly been called Loki. The order of the Silver Tyger required the addition of this fighter, and with a medallion as well as a scroll by Triona MacCasky and Kayleigh McWhyte – he was made a companion.
But there was another who must be added to this order. Their Majesties called Josef von Ulm, and spoke of his worthiness to be a Silver Tyger, and with medallion and a stunning scroll by Katherine Stanhope, he was added to their ranks as well.
The gentle called Elena Lencioni was next urged before Their Majesties. Much of her service was discussed, and the order of the Silver Wheel was called to surround her, as The King and Queen added her to their numbers. A medallion and a scroll by Ommadan inigena Ru commemorated the event.
Her Majesty then stood and called the children present forward to join her. She spoke of the fact that many kingdoms, not just The East, had traditions regarding toy boxes for their children. She then gifted Prince Edmund with a large carton full of tiny dragons for the children of the Midrealm to enjoy. His Highness hesitated for a moment – concerned that he might be expected to run from the Eastern children with this box of wee dragons. Her Majesty quickly assured him that while the children of the East demanded sacrifice, it would not be him. The King called forward Dietrich of Timis, and handed him the toy box – there was then counting, not entirely all the way to 3 as I recall, and off they all went – straight down the center aisle of the hall, where Dietrich hesitated, knowing how much mud he faced through those doors, and with that thought, he was lost to the glee of the children of the East.
Duke Balfar now begged a moment of Their Majesties time. He had in his possession, a squire’s chain that a member of his house had found in a mud puddle earlier. It was determined that this squire’s chain belonged to Muiredach Ua Dálaig, squire to Sir Harald Hokonson. With a bit of encouragement, it was determined that there would likely be a quest. Which lead to Duke Andreas der Eisfalke telling a tale of an incident from his and Harald’s early years that involved dancing and the loss of a squire’s chain as well.
Their Majesties then bade Their herald to call the next name. Donnchadh mac Eoin was the name the herald cried, and as he made his way forward to kneel before the King and Queen, it was clear he wasn’t certain why he had been called. Their Majesties had heard tell of his interest in Commedia Dell’arte and his dedication to becoming a great scribe for the Eastern Kingdom. They knew he should be a Lord of Their court, and today They would make it so. This award of arms was marked with a scroll made just for Donnchadh by Wulfgar Silfraharr and Theodora Bryennissa, called Treannah.
Now Their Majesties demanded that the very same Wulfgar Silfraharr come before Them. His Majesty had seen this man upon the rapier field, and He knew his dedication to the forms and practice, and They knew that it was time that he be added to Their order of the Silver Rapier. The order was now called forward that Wulfgar should stand among them as he was added to their ranks. There was not one, but two medallions, one made by Anne de Basillon just for him and one passed to him from the Baron of Settmour Swamp, Sir Jonathan Miles. Finally there was a scroll made for him by his teacher and mentor, Orlando Sforza.
His Majesty took the opportunity now to speak about how this past summer at Pennsic He had noticed that only the Heavy Weapons champions team had surcoats. He talked about how much this bothered Him, about how the Fencing, Archery, Thrown Weapons and Arts and Science champions deserved to wear with pride regalia than was just as special. Because of this, Their Majesties had had Champion regalia designed by Anne de Basillon, for Fencing, Archery, Thrown Weapons and Arts and Science. Prototypes were shown and the response was a roar of approval and a standing ovation.
Once the populous had settled back down, Her Majesty had Harolt, called Harold of Bloodguard called forward. She told a story about a gentle who spent 3 days caring for others who had been struck ill, before he even put his own tent up at Pennsic many years before. She spoke of the care this man always took of others, and about how he had done so, quietly, without an expectation of recognition for many years. She asked if he would consider wearing Her glove, that all would know him as the example of courtesy that he is. With a nod and strong emotions crossing his face, Harold was made a companion of the Queen’s Order of Courtesy. His Majesty then spoke to this man. About how there was something else They wished to do, about how from the very day that He had won Crown Tournament, They had known They would do this – that They would make him a Baron of Their court with a Grant of Arms. His Majesty then called Duke Andreas forward again – he brought with him a coronet made just for Harold and then returned yet again, with a helmet fashioned with a field coronet upon it, that all will know both in court and on the field that this man is a Baron. The scroll to mark this event was made for him by Kayleigh McWhyte with words written by the King himself.
Now the herald called for a gentle who was not present in court. However Baroness Lada Monguligin had known this gentle would not be present for this moment, and she came forward in their stead. Their Majesties called for Their order of the Silver Crescent and spoke about all the work this person does as a marshal, on kitchen staff and as an exchequer. They expressed Their desire to add this name to the ranks of the Silver Crescent this day, and Baroness Lada promised to ensure Their words were carried to the recipient along with the medallion and the scroll made by Eleanore McCarthaigh and Alexsei Dimitriev.
Their Majesties then had Sir Mohammad, Sir Angus, Sir Pellandres and Sir Baptiste all called before Them. His Majesty spoke about how these men had a household that stood above so many others, about how they could be seen sweeping across the battlefield in their orange and black, representing much of what the East Kingdom strives for. This is the House Al-Karakal, and Their Majesties saw fit to award to them the Blue Tyger Legion and gift them a silk pennant that Her Majesty had made for them to mark them such.
As these 4 men began to head back to their seats in court, Their Majesties commanded that Mohammad Sevim Oglu Gowan Oglu, remain before them. The King spoke to him now about how he was a generous man who dedicates much of his time to guiding others as they begin to find their way in the SCA, and about how He had always aspired to be like Sir Mohammad. Then He had the herald call forth all the Tygers of the East present, and announced to all assembled “A Tyger stands before you!” As Sir Mohammad’s household brought forth an official kaftan of the house, with Tiraz bands embroidered in gold. A scroll done all in gold leaf by Honig von Sommerfeldt, Onora inghean Ui Ruairc and Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova was read.
Their Majesties asked if either of their Highnesses present wanted to say anything to those assembled. His Highness of the Middle mentioned how very happy he was that he keeps coming to this event, and His Highness East thanked all who had helped make this day so memorable. With that, all Their Majesties business was concluded and the day was done.
Court Heralds this day were Theodora Bryennissa, called Treannah, Rowen Cloteworthy, Anne de Basillon, Ríán Mac Faoitigh and Mabel Fortune
These are the events as I recall them unfolding before me.
Yours In Service,
Theodora Bryennissa, called Treannah