Birka 2019 – Fashion Show Announcement
Tailors Assemble!
Once again, its is time to think about the fashion show at the Market Day at Birka. Attend and DC all the entries. Marvel at the creativity of your fellow Easterners.
And if you haven’t heard it by now, her most royal Majesty, Vienna de la Mer has issued a garb challenge to the good gentles attending. She desires to see the skill with needle and thread of the populace in interpreting the theme, ‘Marvel and DC – superheroes and villains.’
Wakanda ways can you bring your vision to life?
Categories are:
Early Period: 600-1100CE
Middle Period: 1100-1450CE
Late Period: 1450-1600CE
Children’s garb
Group category
Queen’s challenge
As always, you can compete in multiple categories as it applies to your entry.
If you have never participated in a fashion show before, now is your chance to shine! Don’t let your shyness or lack of experience hold you back – we want to see your garb! Get together with friends and make something Fantastic Four all of you
No need to whip these up in a Flash and sew until your fingers are Thor – you have until next year!
Further details for time and location to be announced as the event approaches. Don’t let it be just us in this league, join the challenge!
Yours in Service,
Baronessa Bianca Anguissola and House Strangewayes
Photo by Brenden Crane