Pennsic 47 Thrown Weapons Champions Team

From Her Royal Highness:
I am so very honored to announce the East’s Thrown Weapons team for tomorrow’s War Point tournament.
Best of luck tomorrow; throw true!
Cedric of Thanet East
Daniel of Whitby Ealdormere
Iohn Spooner Ealdormere
Kryss Kostareve Atlantia
Magnus de Londres East
Matteo Genovese East
Michael Leg Bain East
Ruttiger Lutz East
Safiya al-Naghira East
Thrainn Steinsson East
Trystan der Fackeltagr Northshield
Ulfr Jarnhauss East
Amleth of Lochmere Atlantia
Dealla Cohen Atlantia
Leonard Schuwert East