Meet Their Royal Highnesses: Wilhelm and Vienna

Wilhelm von Ostenbrücke and Vienna de la Mer are heirs to the Tyger throne of the East.
The Gazette had the pleasure of chatting with our new heirs about their new jobs, their SCA lives, and their dogs.
How did you get involved in the SCA?
Wilhelm: I heard about it from a friend and randomly showed up at Bellringers in Carillion.
Vienna: I worked at the New York Renaissance Festival. For years, friends kept pestering me to go to this thing called Pennsic. I finally went, and I’ve been hooked ever since.
What do you like most about the SCA?
W: Diversity and how, for the most part, we are accepting of everyone regardless of religion, sexual orientation, color, etc.
V: I enjoy travelling, meeting new people, and learning new things. The SCA is a great enabler of all these.
What do you think the SCA or the East needs to work on?
W: Recruitment, openness, and welcoming nature.
V: Communication, conversation, community – these are all extremely important. Being a former Kingdom Chatelaine, I believe we need to focus on recruitment, retention, and inclusiveness. We could also do a better job of ‘sharing the load’ by mentoring others, teaching them how run events or do specific jobs.
What are your personas?
W: 15th century German.
V: 15th century Italian. Sometimes 14th century English and 10th century Heiðabýr (Hedeby).
Wilhelm, what is your preferred weapons form?
W: Sword and Shield (or Vienna).
Vienna, what is your favorite type of embroidery?
V: Stumpwork/Raised Work — a three dimensional form of embroidery using padding, beads, wire, and/or needlelace stitches.
What are you most looking forward to during your reign?
W: Travelling the Kingdom more.
V: Some of my favorite things to do are to share my love of the SCA with others and watch newcomers experience it for the first time. It makes it new for me too.
Is there anything you are nervous about for your reign?
W: Forgetting peoples’ names
V: Finding the right balance of doing the job to the best of our ability, and not getting burned out or alienating family and friends because we’re so busy. Oh, and screwing up peoples’ names (FB is notorious for that.)
Do you have any goals/aspirations for your reign?
W: To foster deeper relationships with those who love the Dream as much as we do.
V: Encourage new people, show established members that they too are a Chatelaine, and grow our Society.
Is there anything else you would like the Kingdom to know about you?
W: I like long walks on the beach and cool summer nights. I like Disco music and mango margaritas. I don’t like Winter.
V: Social media is both a blessing and curse, and you have the power to determine which it is. Our dogs are extremely important to us. The Keeper’s of Athena’s Thimble is the best guild ever!
More information about Prinz Wilhelm and Princess Vienna can be found at their reign website.
Photo by Cateline la Broderesse