The East Kingdom Gazette Needs You!
The East Kingdom Gazette is a volunteer run blog which provides information for the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism. This is not an official publication of the SCA.
The Gazette welcomes submissions of news articles about the East Kingdom. Items should be sent to If you list an individual’s legal name or contact information, you must have their prior approval. If you submit a photo, check first with anyone whose face is featured prominently and include the SCA name of the photographer.
Disclaimer: Submission is not a guarantee of publication and any content submitted may be edited for grammar, clarity, length or suitability for the Gazette audience.
If you are interested in writing a specific article for the Gazette, please e-mail Articles may be about upcoming events, competition results, or items of interest to the Kingdom at large. With your help, the Gazette can continue to be a source of news and enjoyment for our Kingdom!
The Gazette is also looking to add 1-2 editors to our staff. Gazette editors are responsible for a certain content area (either geographic or subject matter), and daily responsibilities 2-3 days a month. Daily responsibilities include checking the Gazette e-mail, managing the inbox, reviewing article submissions, and posting to the Gazette WordPress site. Prospective editors should have excellent writing and communication skills, and WordPress experience is a plus. Prospective editors should send an e-mail with a letter of interest, a short SCA resume, and a list of applicable qualifications to Mistress Tola.